Easter fun at Ramsgate Arts Primary

Easter fun at RAPs

Singer Egg Sheeran complete with distinctive ginger hair and guitar, a school of eggcellence, and an eggstraterrestrial were among creative designs dreamed up by children at Ramsgate Arts Primary.

The design an egg competition caught their imaginations and pupils used a variety of resources and material to make their creations stand out.

The competition was part of a fun programme to celebrate Easter as all year groups enjoyed a range of activities to mark the end of a successful term since returning from lockdown.

An Easter egg hunt in the school grounds tested the children’s’ powers of observation as they searched for a chick, egg and bunny to claim their prize in the event organised by the parent council.

Meanwhile an array of themed hats took centre stage for an Easter bonnet parade with classes in their socially-distanced ‘bubbles’ displaying their imaginative and colourful headwear.

Each group paraded to music and the best designs were judged by the school office team. Easter bonnet winners were – Early Years: Rowan, Daisy and Darius. Year 1: Ollie, Maisy and Teddy. Year 2:  Marina, Dalia and Avi.

The winners of the creative egg designs were: KS2 winners – Olivia/school of eggscellence; Bea/eggstraterrestrial; Logan/Egg Sheeran. KS1 winners – Marina/spider web egg; Eli/sparkling egg; Annie/girl power.

Head of School Nick Budge praised the “wonderful efforts” of pupils in all the competitions and fun events.

He said: “The place was a hive of creativity from Early Years to Year 6, which is what we enjoy as an arts specialist school. Some of the designs of the eggs and bonnets were really clever and colourful.

“As well as enjoying themselves our boys and girls also learnt about the religious significance of the Easter festival and the way it is celebrated around the world.

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“The children really had a brilliant time, and the support of our hard-working staff and the parent council was crucial in making this a really happy Easter for all.”

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