Thanet council has simplified the process for businesses applying for covid support grants.
The authority has published a single business grant application portal which means applicants do not need to determine which scheme or schemes they may be eligible for.
For businesses wanting to claim the December Tiers 3 and 4 Grants, they will not need to apply if they have already completed an application form for either of the November national lockdown grants [Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) Addendum and the Additional Restrictions Grants scheme].
Businesses will automatically receive an email from the council to confirm eligibility under the tier system and confirmation that a payment has been made. Alternatively, they will receive an email with a passcode to re-enter the original application and to provide additional details. Only those businesses that have not applied for a lockdown payment should complete the new form.
Local Tier 3 and Tier 4 Grants
For businesses that have not already made a November lockdown application and believe they are eligible for local Tier 3 and 4 Grants, the new application process is now open.
Grants are available for businesses legally required to close due to the COVID-19 Tier 3 restrictions from 2 December to 19 December and those required to close due to Tier 4 restrictions from 20 December onwards. This is known as the Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) scheme. For each full 14 day period of closure, the value of these grants are:
£667 for businesses with a rateable value of £15,000 or under
£1,000 for businesses with a rateable value between £15,000 and £51,000
£1,500 for businesses with a rateable value of over £51,000.
If your main business was closed but you adapted to provide a click and collect or take away service, you may still be eligible for this grant. Applicants must have been trading on 30 November 2020.
For businesses not forced to close but severely impacted by the tier restrictions, there is the Local Restrictions Support Grant (Open) scheme. Businesses can get a grant for every 14-day period they were affected:
£467 for businesses with a rateable value of £15,000 or under
£700 for businesses with a rateable value between £15,000 and £51,000
£1,050 for businesses with a rateable value of over £51,000.
All applications will be reviewed and passed for payment in order of original receipt.
Cllr Rob Yates, Cabinet Member for Finance, Administration and Community Wealth Building said: “The impact of COVID-19 on Thanet’s businesses has been severe and we have been working hard to come up with a single, streamlined application process.
“For the December Tier 3 and 4 grants, those businesses who have already applied for either of the November national lockdown grants need not reapply and we will be in touch to confirm payment or to request additional information.
“If you have applied and are still waiting to hear back from us about the November lockdown grants, thank you for your patience – we are working hard to clear this backlog.
“An update on the January national lockdown grant will be provided as soon as we receive further guidance from the Government.”
November lockdown payments and Christmas support for wet-led pubs
The application process for the Local Restrictions Support Grants (businesses required to close during the second national lockdown from 5 November to 2 December) has been open since Friday 18 November. TDC has paid nearly £1.5m to 989 eligible Thanet businesses for the main scheme and nearly £100,000 to 70 discretionary applicants.
The Christmas Support Payment for wet-led pubs, a one-off grant payment of £1,000 for pubs that receive less than 50% of their sales income from food, opened on Wednesday 23 December and 57 of applications have already been paid. Applications close on 31 January.
Forthcoming support
Further to the national lockdown announcement on 4 January, the Chancellor has announced £4.6 billion in new lockdown grants to support businesses and protect jobs. This includes:
One-off top up grants for retail, hospitality and leisure sectors to help businesses through to the Spring. Eligibility and level of payment will be assessed against a business’s rateable value:
£4,000 for businesses with a rateable value of £15,000 or under
£6,000 for businesses with a rateable value between £15,000 and £51,000
£9,000 for businesses with a rateable value of over £51,000
A discretionary fund of £594 million will also be made available to support other impacted businesses.
£1.1 billion further discretionary grant funding for Local Authorities, Local Restriction Support Grants worth up to £3,000 a month and extension of the furlough scheme.
Thanet council is awaiting full guidance from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) for these schemes and details on eligibility will be published as soon as possible.
How the council has supported business so far
During the pandemic, the council has administered 4,289 grants worth over £36 million to Thanet businesses impacted as a result of COVID-19.
For more information and details of other business support available,
– visit COVID-19 business support pages
– email [email protected] to sign-up for updates direct to your inbox
– request to join Thanet Business Support Facebook Group
– call the business support line (03333 602300), delivered by the Kent & Medway Growth Hub, between 8:30am and 5pm Monday – Friday.