Demand for action over Harbour Street ‘gate’ to keep motorists out

Call for the gate to be installed at Harbour Street

A call has been made for residents to write to Kent County Council to demand a gate or rising bollard is installed in Ramsgate’s Harbour Street.

Ramsgate Town Council has spent three years attempting to get the traffic measure put in place to stop motorists driving in the street which is supposed to be pedestrianised.

The town council has the funds for a gate and RTC staff can service and maintain it but say they are still waiting for Kent Highways to give permission.

Richard Styles

Ramsgate Town Clerk Richard Styles said: “It’s totally frustrating that Kent County Council will not respond to reason. We have been trying to make arrangements with them for three years, we have answered every question KCC have asked and have given a range of reassurance’s about how the opening and closing of the gate will be managed, including access for emergency vehicles.

“It’s simply ridiculous that we are prevented from moving forward! We have the money for the gates, and traders and residents alike want to see them installed without further delay.

“Without the gates public safety will continue to be compromised and Harbour street will not be the pleasant amenity it could be.”

County Councillor Karen Constantine is now urging Ramsgate residents to write to KCC leader Roger Gough to demand action is taken.

She said: “We’ve recently seen very effective ‘people power’ at work in Westgate and Broadstairs, where local residents have joined together to overturn Kent County Council decisions, getting rid of traffic schemes that were imposed on them.

“It’s time to show the same community spirit in Ramsgate. Despite all my efforts over the last three years I’m now absolutely fed up with being ‘fobbed off’ on this issue! “Enough is enough! I’m urging people to write directly to Kent County Council Leader Roger Gough to simply say “Dear Roger, enough is enough! we want a gate on Harbour Street for safety’s sake.”

A Kent County Council spokesman said: “We have had extensive correspondence with Ramsgate Town Council and the local Member about the possibility of installing gates on Harbour Street.

“Last year we agreed with Ramsgate Town Council that they could install an electric rising bollard that would be monitored by Thanet District Council, however the Town Council has now indicated it would prefer a gate.

“Before installing a gate, we would need to know how the town council plans to operate the gates, including arrangements for access for emergency vehicles, security van money collections and service vehicles that might require access during restricted hours.

“We would also like to see evidence that gates are supported by the businesses and residents within the town centre, including stakeholders such as the emergency services.

“At this stage we have not received the requested information and subsequently no decision has been made.”

The decision comes under the remit of Cabinet member for highways Michael Payne: [email protected]


  1. I don’t see how you can put a bollard in place When Delivery vehicles for the shops need access how do people propose goods are delivered.
    What you will end out with is numerous crashes as the goods vehicles will turn up and reverse out causing havoc on the junction by the royal

  2. This is a great idea, let’s hope it happens.

    The same should be imposed on the top and of Margate High Street, 10 – 4, seven days a week, Outside Boots.

  3. Phil totally agree with your comments about the top end of Margate high street as former chair for 16 years of the Thanet travel forum that was one issue that we tried to resolve with KCC to no avail. There are restrictions in place but some drivers still go up there the only vehicles allowed up their during these times are royal mail vans collecting from post office police ambulances and fire brigade. That has been pedestrianised for years.

    • Andrew and Martha,

      The people and residents spoke and it was rightly abolished by Tory-led KCC.

      You’re both hardcore Labour voters, and your comments just show that what people say is true, dither and delay!

      • I thought the problem was that KCC had to make some very rapid decisions otherwise they would not have got any funding for pedestrian-friendly alterations, and their plans were therefore rushed through.

        Is that correct, Andrew?

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