Photos: Blustery winds and high tide at Margate

High winds in Margate Photo Carl Hudson

 Blustery conditions and extremely high tides today (May 10) marked a drastic change in weather conditions.

Environment Agency staff were out checking flood defences along the coast from Whitstable to Margate and warn of higher then normal tides expected for the next three days.

The agency says: “Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous.

“We are expecting higher than normal tides over the next three days and may be issuing further messages during this time.”

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Margate photographer Carl Hudson got these shots of the blustery conditions.


  1. These conditions are not unusual at this time of year when we get North or northeasterly winds and Spring tides .

    • Quite true, I thought it would be nice to look at something that did not contain the word coronavirus!

  2. Yawn…. people are dying, we’re being led by a bunch of posh boys who wouldn’t know how to run a bath, their valets will do that,and apparently these high winds often come if they come from a certain direction. Hope I don’t bump into you in the park while you’re having your extended excersice after Wednesday. Get real.

  3. Great pictures of naturally occurring events in our beautiful world. No fear propaganda control language employed either. You’ll only pick up healthy fresh air from encountering this.

  4. I’ve finally arrived on planet Zog! I’m outta here. Good luck when you eventually land on earth, we’re struggling a bit with a deadly disease here but don’t worry…you can take a walk in the healthy fresh air that you’re convinced is all that matters. No wonder this thing got a hold. Good luck and keep the faith.

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