Permanent memorial to QEQM nurse Aimee O’Rourke will be installed at the hospital

Nurse Aimee O'Rourke

A permanent memorial to QEQM nurse Aimee O’Rourke will be installed, hospital trust bosses have confirmed.

Aimee, who was just 39, died in the hospital’s Critical Care Unit on April 2 after contracting coronavirus. The Margate mum leaves behind daughters, Megan, Mollie and Maddie.

She joined the Acute Medical Unit as a newly qualified nurse in 2017 after completing her nursing degree at Canterbury Christ Church University.

Yesterday Megan told The Isle of Thanet News that she hoped her mum would be honoured with a plaque at the ward she worked in.

Megan, 18, said: “As her middle daughter I would like to ask one thing, to have an engraved permanent plaque placed outside the ward my precious mum worked on with her name on it, date of birth and date of death and an engraved picture of my choice.

“In our eyes she truly earned her NHS crown the very first day she had her first shift as a nurse.”

East Kent Hospitals chief executive Susan Acott has today (April 5) confirmed there will be a memorial.

She said: “The thoughts of everyone at the Trust are with Aimee’s family and friends. Aimee was hard-working, dedicated and hugely popular with staff and patients alike. She gave her all to care for our patients and her commitment was evident for all to see.

“There will be a permanent memorial at the hospital to remember Aimee and her care and commitment to her patients and colleagues, and this will be arranged in discussion with Aimee’s family, friends and the staff who worked with her.”


  1. a star who put her job of looking arfter sick people befour her own a very said miss to as all my you rest in peace god bless you

  2. Amiee, thank you for the ultimate sacrifice you made by helping others, like the many others on the front line, we thank you and will not forget you ever!, I hope that in time many will learn from this situation and tolerance and compassion to others will return and be the norm.

    Thank you.

  3. So sad her death could have been avoided if nurses had a test to see if they tested positive. How many more doctors and nurses have to give their lives caring for carnivorous patients.
    Things will improve but not quick enough. Condolences to her family and friends

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