The firm aiming to create a cargo aviation hub at Manston, RiverOak Strategic Partners, paid £16.5 million to buy the airport site from former owners Stone Hill Park.
The sum is revealed in the latest documents submitted to the Planning Inspectorate which has been holding an examination of RSP’s application for a Development Consent Order on the land. The DCO seeks development consent and compulsory buy-out powers over the land. It is the means of obtaining permission for developments categorised as Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP).
Completion of the transaction, which will mean RSP subsidiary RiverOak MSE will own more than 95% of the site wanted for the plans, is expected by July 11 but remains conditional upon the Secretary of State for Transport granting his consent. This is expected to be received by July 10.
This permission may be needed due to a special development order designating the Manston airport site for use as a lorry park to cope with possible post-Brexit jams at the Port of Doverwhich is contracted to run until December 31, 2020.
The Planning Inspectorate examining panel, led by Kelvin McDonald, has been examining the bid being made by RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP) to acquire the site and create the cargo hub and associated aviation business.
The land was owned by Stone Hill Park which had submitted a planning application to create up to 3,700 homes, business and leisure and associated infrastructure.
During the examination RSP said compensation payable for the compulsory take over of the Manston airport site would be “no more than £7.5 million.”
However Stone Hill Park told examiners their valuation was nearer to a level of £20 million and, with relevant consent in place for development a benchmark figure of £38 million had been identified.
SHP own 742 acres of the site, which totals around 770 acres, with the remaining plots belonging to other interested parties.
The £16.5million spend means RSP’s outlay during the process now stands at some £30 million, according to the latest summary document submitted by the firm.
It states: “To date, the Applicant has spent in excess of £15m on the acquisition of the Jentex fuel site and in pursuing the DCO application. It has now spend a further £16.5m on the acquisition of 18946481.1 11 the SHP site. In total, a very considerable sum has been raised and spent on this project, in excess of £30m.”
The DCO examination concludes on July 9. Approval for the DCO is still needed for airport project with a decision from the Secretary of State expected by January 2020.
Night Flights, and a workable 106 agreement, will still need to be resolved as will the issue of noise levels and the question of how many households should qualify for compensation.
“The DCO examination concludes on July 9. Approval for the DCO is still needed for airport project with a decision from the Secretary of State expected by January 2020.”
that is correct
and I am ashamed of this mess
it is more than a mess
I will be taking my evidence to the police this week
What evidence would that be Rebecca Hooper.
Well according to your mate, CC, she is from the same ‘Zoo’ as two of the ‘Antis’. That’s all we can expect from the Pro Supporters,got nothing constructive to say.
What evidence??? What on earth are you going on about?
There is a slow motion inquiry already with Kent Police economic crime unit. They have sat on it two years so far.
Evidence of what?
Presumably RSP will get the future income that SHP were being paid to allow DfT to use Manston as a lorry park. That will help offset the extra dosh that Gloag is getting out of her asset stripping transaction.
Until the conditions written into the contract are revealed you are just guessing. SHP could have been playing a blinder
Cliff SHP will be keeping the £4.5M from Op Brock
a real blinder then
It would seem that way. £21m Just think 5 years ago they could have bought it for a pound ?
Fantastic news jobs and training so badly needed down here, I really hope KLM will fly back in 2022 for as much as I love Manton i would never fly with Ryanair ever letsb hope Norwegian would be intesrested. Its just good to here that someone is willing to invest and create jobs here
So far no airlines have expressed an interest Tina and I doubt any will.
As per RSPs last local meeting Ryan air were mentioned
Of course they were hawever rather that listen to Freudmann why not asl O’Leary. His reply is a bit different
And you know this how Emmeline. I have been told that discussions have been held with Ryanair. KLM were also gutted when they were thrown off the airport. I suspect they could be tempted to return too
Oh dearie me. Fraudmann keeping the natives happy LOL
I doubt KLM has any desire to start up half empty flights again somehow. Besides ehic, KLM don’t do freight flights. Move along, nothing to see here and certainly no flights of any kind anytime soon. Anyone asked the MOD how they feel about the application? Read it and weep!
The only airline that may use Manston would probably be MaMa airlines run by Fraudmans mate Craig McKinlay ?
KLM have already stated publicly many times they will not return to Manston. In fact no other airline has showed any interested whatsoever in using Manston at all in spite of Freudmann’s lies. My betting is planning permission will be applied for to build houses on the northern grass to “fund” the airport. If the cargo hub ever gets of the ground, which I very much doubt, Stansted & East Midlands will not stand by and let them nick their customers they will undercut them.
KLM have also pulled out of Southampton according to the Echo. More flew that route than did Manston to Schipol yet they still left.
When did you read that Barry, when it was delivered one morning?
Didn’t think Barry James lived in Southampton anymore. I heard he has recently moved back to Kent.
Oh Ian you need to widen your horizons a little 2+2 = 5 in your case. Ken wraight posted it on a FB page I’m a member of. Still I’ll sure you got a small thrill LOL at your age you ought to be careful
Where is your evidence about KLM never wanting to come back? They were furious when Gloag shut Manston Airport. They’ll be back. You’ll see.
If you read KLMs comments after the airport shut they said they would never ever return to Manston even if new owners were found
Tragic news. I can’t understand whether they are trying to ruin this area on purpose, or are they just too thick to foresee the consequences.
Emmeline Little do you know. Do you seriously think the new owners would invest over £30 million if no airline had shown any interest . Three major airlines are looking to relocate from their present addresses due to over crowding and cost of their present site. The sooner Manston Airport reopens as an Airport the better it will be. There is a lot going on in the background to make THANET / East Kent / Kent South east England much more successful than it is now. Manston Airport will play a major part in that success.
Really ? Do enlighten us as to who it is ?? Even Freudman could not name one airline during the course of the DCO enquiry.
Stanstead airport has been judged to the most “ unreliable airport in the U.K. yet again.
And Manston was voted the most liable to go bankrupt. Nothing to be happy for then ….oh wait they already did
shades of Planestation.
Mezzanine interest rates and mountains of dept.
I wonder who was that common denominator?
I think RSP would certainly invest in a brownfield site in the South-east of England if there was any chance of making a large profit. But if they truly want an airport, they could have bought one years ago, as there have been several on the market in recent years.
Ramsgate with a 24/7 cargo hub nearby would be a very different and far more unpleasant place to live- and nobody in their right mind would consider it as a holiday destination.
How many times do RSP have to give assurances of no night flights? Why doesn’t anyone seem to listen or read?
Two reasons
1. Which organisation decides whether a flight is “late”?
2. Who schedules the arrival of a flight between 11pm and 6am ?
Shouldn’t take long to work it out
How many “late” arrivals a night constitutes a conspiracy in your world
Infratil had a s106 which banned Night flights yet 50% of their arrivals of cargo in 2011 arrived “late” I’d say that was a serious precedent
I don’t believe them because their latest proposal to PINS is a scheme that would allow unlimited “late arrivals” – whatever that means – between 23:00 and 06:00 of the noisiest of aircraft.
If RSP had applied for a night quofa of 0, with no exceptions, I would still be dubious .
Andrew, they have to say “unlimited” as who ever knows how many emergency or late arrivals there may be. It is standard airport jargon.
HEMA flights do not count as anything when it comes to Night (or even day) Flights
“late” means any flight that was “scheduled” to arrive before 11pm. The airport management determines “late”
50% of cargo flights in 2011 were determined to be “late” by Infratil and that was only 389 air movements of cargo so Andrew is right to be worried when RSP forecast 17000 cargo air movements.
Working hard to bring in the national shortage of freeze dried fish?
I don’t think you’ve got that quite right.
Emergency and Aid flights don’t count towards the quota.
If you’d read RSP’s proposal (And clearly you haven’t) you’d have seen that RSP are allowing themselves unlimited arrivals of the noisier of aircraft between 23:00 And 06:00
Some people, against the reopening of Manston, have kept a close eye on the Application, and are well up to speed with the goings-on.
It is a shame that more pro-airport folk don’t have a read of some if the stuff, then there wouldn’t be so much drivel written here
A good move by shp. If they had allowed it to get to a CPO they would have got much less! They certainly would not have got their laughable figures????. A handsome profit anyway. Now they can clear off ????. Good to see the back of them and their gruesome chapter in Manston Airport’s history. Now the serious business of getting the airport operating as it should begins once the DCO is through. Great times ahead! Opportunities, Jobs, business, prosperity at the airport itself and in the rejuvenated general business sector stimulated by the airport being here! Just what Thanet and East Kent need. What we do not need is just more rambling boxy housing estates (with no jobs)
For the 94000010th time the bloody houses are coming anyway. God you lot are pretty slow
You do seem very stupid.
Only now they are going to be spread all over green field land with no infrastructure. If the airport doesn’t open there will be snuck of council members with difficult questions to answer
It has never worked as a airport and never will not economic viable!
It will end up a housing site!!
If viable for aircraft Branson or BA would have snapped it up!!!
Graham, Virgin and BA are airlines, not airport owners. They rent space on various airports for their aircraft.
Manston has never worked in the past, due to proper investment and bad management.
RiverOak are going to plough almost half a BILLION into Manston, to make it work. Have you no children or grandchildren who would love a job there?
Really ? Its meant to be a state of the art cargo hub that is fully automated so very few jobs.Have you seen inside modern warehouses hardly any employees.Offices could be anywhere in the world & even ATC was going to be done remotely. Even during the examination by PINS RSP could not quantify or qualify what jobs would be available. In fact the examiners commented on the total lack of any real business plan and their “expert” Silly Dixon couldn’t answer half the questions put to her.
A previous “bad manager” of Manston was Tony Freudmann, the struck-off solicitor, currently a director of RSP.
What on earth are you on about ‘God help us’. That sounds like the anti airport scare-tactic rhetoric we have grown well used to these last few years. You are talking rubbish, and you know it. Why on earth is it ‘the houses are coming ????????????’? What have they got to come here for?? No jobs paying enough for people to afford them nor pay the rents landlords would want. The whole housing and accommodation market is on the downward turn these days in Thanet – as people cannot afford the rents on local wages. Purchase prices and rents are falling. That’s why you see land banked all around the Westwood area in particular (and just dribs and drabs going up). Just waiting for more favourable economic conditions – which if things go on the way they are/were will never happen. And Thanet is too far from London to turn it into a salubrious/English riviera commuter dormitory. It has been a developers dream for decades that has never become the bonanza the developers hoped. And it will certainly not now with Thanet taking a turn towards a business future with a busy hub airport anchoring the new local economy right in the middle -hooray????????✈✈!! Councils have only been obliged by central government to make land available for planning purposes for housing if required. Sanjid Javed on his visit in the wake of the defeat of the recent local plan concluded Thanet has too much unemployment and social problems to be a suitable candidate for mass housing development. Might you be a ‘developer’ God-Help…? Or have connections ????? So, the houses certainly are NOT coming to Thanet with any inevitability. The deliberately misleading propaganda from you and your type falls on deaf ears now (as it always actually has to anyone with any common sense)
Have a look at the local plan. Housing is HMG policy. The enquiry is being held now. There is a open meeting on the 21st just about the impact of Manston on the local plan. Thanks to houses being displaced from Manston they are now going on every green field site in Thanet.2,500 around Birchington alone. Have a good look at the consequences of no houses at Manston and then come back and say they won’t happen.
Anyway God help us, if you were right (which as I explain above -simply for you) and THE HOUSES ARE COMING!!????????????????’ – better they do with JOBS than with no jobs! Then people can afford them – So get behind the airport!!✈✈✈
When the airport was open, unemployment in Thanet was running at 10.5%.
Now it’s dropped to 5.5%.
It seems to me that no airport = better employment prospects.
Anyway God help us, if you were right (which as I explain above -simply for you that you are not) and THE HOUSES ARE COMING!!????????????????’ – better they do with JOBS than with no jobs! Then people can afford them – So get behind the airport!!✈✈✈
We have a ‘Parrot’ on here
Another article about Manston and the insults begin again on Social Media. The Pro Supporters on Smaa/Sma cannot help themselves with their vile crude comments.They really are a bunch of hypocrites.
Why don’t they all just move to somewhere with a nice big noisy polluting airport ?!r
Why don’t they all just move to somewhere with a nice big noisy polluting airport ?!
Why don’t you move to a huge housing conurbation? Milton Keynes?
I knew someone would miss the joke!
Zero sense of humour
What part of “CARGO HUB” don’t they get
Didn’t miss it Marva – it just wasn’t funny ????
Now you know what it’s felt like to be told to move by people who want an airport- not amusing.
Setting aside all the speculative comments about Manston ( the proof of the airport will be in its actual construction and not by any boosterism coming from within or without RSP). Around 17,000/18,000 + houses will still be scheduled for construction over the next 20 years.
Where will all the jobs come from to sustain an additional community not much smaller than Ramsgate? Why the same way that much of Surrey and East Sussex are sustained financially, by growth in the City of London. Our coming Prime Minister better get it right in late October, or not only will Thanet be in some difficulty, but so will much of South East England.The chuck out we are seeing at Deutsche Bank will be but a harbinger of ill fortune if things go badly wrong.
Of course,if Bruce and Anne, the economic sooth sayers of Thanet, are right, we have nothing to worry about.The trouble is knowing how much robust evidence they have to hand to sustain their conclusions, and how much of it, is merely wish fulfilment.
There is no harm in wishing for better times, but where it is dangerous is when it leads a community down a calamitous path way.
Thanet’s salvation lies not in houses, airports or economic policies, but in the hearts and minds of its young, and in those of working age.We need to learn more, adapt to a changing world, and to embrace education and training, far more than we do now.
Vile crude comments from airport supporters? People in glass houses come to mind. Feelings have run high on both sides, but I have never seen anything more heavily trolled than the Manston Airport campaign. The level of trolling does indeed cast very grave doubt on the mentality of the anti-airport side in general. All I can say – which pretty much invalidates them as serious lobby is ‘Paul Abela’! Those who have followed the campaign will know the individual to whom I refer – whether that is their true identity or not, they are a prime exemplar of an offender under the Malicious Communications act! Appalling behaviour that has only served to shoot the airport opposition in the feet! Of course none of us can see into the future. But it is far better to go forward into it with some ambitious plans for Thanet to forge its own identity. Not to be just a hanger-on to London. Far more exciting and inspiring! As for this housing bogey – any houses that would have been built on that bleak plateau best suited to an airfield would have been in addition to, not instead of any others planned. If you don’t want houses on our green fields, best hope for and get behind the airport as safety zones need to be in place all round. You can’t build housing estates right up to it. Roll on Manston Airport! Cannot come too soon! 2022 seems so far away!
Without doubt, it is the case that those in favour of an airport out forward week illogical and unsupportable arguments, and when challenged and confronted with facts they resort to personal abuse.
Those who would rather have peace and quiet have no need to resort to abuse. All they have to do is point to the facts..
So here are some.
We get the houses, with or without the airport.
There will be night flights (described by RSP as “late running arrivals”). These will be unlimited.
Employment in Thanet is 5% better now than when the airport was running.
It will (If it opens) be a cargo hub, so you won’t be able to fly from it.
Peace and quiet? On Thanet? Have you been out on the roads? – Especially around 3pm onwards. How would your ‘peace and quiet’ be preserved (if it were there anyway) with thousands more houses, people and cars? Nonsensical anti airport gibberish as usual
There you are, resorting to personal abuse.
We get the houses anyway, with or without an airport.
So, you tell me, which option presents the least noise and disturbance; houses, or airport and houses?
Clearly you didn’t read my post!
I do love an ostrich.
Insults aplenty on SMAa and SMA FB pages for those without the sand in their eyes to see it. Confirmation Bias is alive and well and living in dreamland
You mention “Paul Abela” sadly you have no idea even where he lives if you think he is Anti-Airport. I think you need to be more “on the ball” before making sweeping statements.
The Local plan is about Land Allocation and it is difficult to reverse once allocated.
I’m sure the 1600 houses around Birchington, The 2000 around Westgate and the other sites around Westwood Cross and Minster will make residents very happy NOT
Abela is a sad act – and I do not really care who he is or is not. All I know of the little maggot is that his only involvement in the Manston Airport business was to abuse people. A waste of time. He made no difference to anything whatever – except maybe to further harden pro-airport support a bit
“The little maggot” sounds pretty abusive to me.
But Marva they care nothing for their comments. sometimes it feels like quantity rather than quality. And seriously he calls Abela an anti when he doesn’t know a thing about him
Yes Bruce vile crude comments from a Pro Supporter and I quote,
‘Bet Blow Job Bazz has exploded all over the ceiling ???? Wonder how Rob Bird and Good Old Binding is doing? They seem awfully quiet?@
I have never thought of Thanet as having a “bleak plateau”. Goodness, yes, a large dirty noisy cargo hub would definitely be an improvement… who on earth wants to live near a bleak plateau?
Please show us the evidence for KLM’s “public statement?” That’s right – you can’t Can you!
KLM Cityhopper managing director, Boet Kreiken, told Air Transport World that it was impossible to do “business in a shaky environment”.
“Now it is game over; we will redeploy the aircraft. We are gone.
“We can’t flip-flop in and out all the time. That is not the way we work.”
So Michael I presume you are too young to remember this?
Well said Mr. Grantham!
well done to something disproved in under 30 secs how odd
Well if you don’t Marva there are a lot of removal company’s in the area to assist you to move out and go along with the rest of the no hopers on here. There is nothing dirty about cargo plans. Estate agents are having difficulty selling houses in east Kent now let alone trying to sell 35000 new ones.
You certainly are a most unpleasant woman, and typical of many pro airport people. You can’t construct a reasoned case to support your cause, so you resort to personal abuse instead.
Aviation is a highly polluting industry. Some clean industries on the port would provide jobs in Ramsgate itself – near the Loop’s harbour bus stops.
I am not a no-hoper, especially now that climate change is being accepted as an urgent situation and only pooh-poohed by a few conspiracy theorists.
Tick tock the airports coming back, Spring 2022 is not that far away given we have waited 5 years to date, what is another 3 years,
Three years to sell up if your making so much noise about this happening, but happen it is.
Estate Agents are waiting for your business, maybe you could hoodwink a buyer to buy your house before they also realise the property is either next to an airport or in a flight path.
Tick Tock another day passes. Manston Airport is on its way back.
There are just one or two slight obstacles.
To get its DCO (And it still needs one) RSP has to show there’s a need for a huge cargo hub in this corner of the UK. They really haven’t done this.
They also have to compulsorily purchase several other plots of land, notably a chunk in the middle of the site owned by the Mod, and used to site a High Resolution Direction Finder aerials- most definitely a national asset. RSP has either forgotten or neglected to tell the Mod that it plans to move the HRDF somewhere else. Mod is, to say the least, not happy. They say even when (indeed if) the HRDF is moved, it will take 2 years of testing at least before the old one can be switched off, during which time no building work can take place within 100m of the aerial. So significant chunks of RSP’s development won’t be able to start for two years.
And there are plenty of other slight problems which RSP have sort of overlooked. Spring 2022 for an airport?
Clearly not.
However, if RSP build houses then they’ll certainly be up and away.
Well no doubt the anti brigade have also seen the recent commitment by RSP to provide a very large amount of funding for education in the area to help support local schools and to provide the Engineering talent the new airport will need. They say they will provide £250,000 once the DCO is granted then an annual £50k each year. I will be interested in what childish comments will be made about that.
Don’t need any comment other that Fraudmann is great at lies.
His Track record at Planestation” and 29 failed companies later tells you a story and it isn’t a pleasant one
Oh and being struck off as a solicitor, a magistrate, and head of Salop council is also something he likes to hide
The childish comments are in the domain of the pro airport folks.
They’ve nothing else to say
Here’s a non childish one:
£250,000 (A one-off paynent) wouldn’t buy a small house in Thanet, let alone a dedicated aviation engineering facility with class-rooms, work shops, labs, staff rooms and so on.
£50k would get you 1 lecturer, possibly.
Big deal.
They do say if you argue with fools, who is the bigger fool? As usual the anti airport brigade simply repeat themselves, get rude and pompous and simply ignore any facts or arguments they cannot find any cogent argument against. They are so convinced that their view is irrefutably correct – but the PINS seem to disagree. The shp presence at any of the DCO hearings was very weak. And if Ann Gloag and her cronies thought they had any chance of winning this whole palaver and landing their housing bonanza they would not have sold to RSP. So, the anti airport empty-vessels and housing lobby with all their condescending rudeness, pomposity (and trolling) …are wrong
Erm, can you give us ANY facts at all that suggest that aviation will ever be a success at Manston?
Other than Dr Dixon’s fundamentally flawed offering, there is none. On the other hand, there’s plenty of evidence to say that aviation just won’t work at Manston.
Just think about this.
RSP now own over 700 acres of prime development land in the SE. Their options are:
Develop an airport: expensive, long lead time, very likely to fail, huge investment with very little likelihood of any sort of return;
Build houses: straightforward, simple, guaranteed huge profit in the short term for the investment.
Which would you choose?
Did you not read Tony that the deal is subject to the DCO being granted? No DCO no purchase.
Did you not realise the confirmation of the sale from the SoS was dependent on RSP accepting the Brock agreement? nothing to do with the DCO
I’m grateful for your input. Please will you point to the authoritative resource which confirms your view that the sale is dependent on the DCO?
I’ve read some astonishingly pompous screeds by airport supporters. Pages and pages of them.
As for those who have an interest in housing, they ought to have learned by now that any attempts to bully the people of Thanet into submission on any will fail. From the disgusting pathetic little trolls they employed on social media (e.g Abela) to the joke of shp bringing in an old discredited hard-man ex-policeman to try to strong-arm the airport campaign into submission. All failed – and in fact hardened determination still further. At least we also got a laugh along the way too! ????????????
Abela is employed LOLLOLLOL try Nick Toy if you need to find a troll and he plays with bows and arrows and has seen the light and moved from under the flightpath Oh dearie me
Paul Abela must be having a good ole laugh at your comments Bruce. He is well known on facebook for trolling groups under different aliases. He couldn’t careless about the airport. He is neither a Pro or an Anti. He just loves winding people up.
I would just no need to point out, when it come to a definition of “discredited” that Tony Freudmann, Director of RSP, must be considered as an exemplar.
He was struck off as a solicitor for embezzling client’s funds; he lost his seat as a leader of a local council; he was associated with a previous incarnation of Manston Airport when it failed; he has overseen the demise of several airport schemes across Europe and the States.
Can you come up with a better (And relevant) example?
Well said Bruce. I’m with you 100%.
And fine bedfellows you make.
Childish Andrew
That is a sight that will live long in my nightmares LOL
God Help You …I couldn’t care less about the trolls, except that the anti airport brigade’s failure to reject them (if not employ then) severely undermines their rational case. The unnecessary abuse I have seen thrown around all over this whole issue is a disgrace and I sure has got no one anywhere – only hardened people against one another. To assume why people move house is presumptuous in the extreme and makes the arrogant assumption yet again that to be anti airport is somehow intrinsically right. The airport is not the only thing in people’s lives after all. You only make great fools of yourselves. I would have a care with regards to personal named comments as they are potentially libellous and whatever you may think about Manston Airport, it is not worth landing yourself with an expensive law-suit ????
Of course you don’t care about Trolls that is why you mention Abela LOL. Toy knows who I am and is welcome to try the police or the Civil Courts that should be great fun.
Again it is easy to note that your blinkers are well and truly on even when someone posts a troll from an airport supporter your blinkered approach to life means you totally blanked it. Now back to basics have you now caught up with the local plan and the strategic sites now firmly planed on Green Fields
Oh and have you phoned a friend to ask where Paul Abela actually lives because he is naff all to do with Thanet and doesn’t care about the airport one bit
I see the new fake jobs advert also declares our area deprived. I assume they’re referring to the 90 minute commute defined by RSP as local as it certainly extends to some pretty affluent areas. There are not 9,500 jobs available and RSP could not give two hoots for the locals. If they did they wouldn’t want to land a cargo plane over our head every 10 minutes. There are easier and more successful ways to invest and regenerate than a dirty great 24/7 cargo hub run by the same people who ran the airport bust last time with less than 150 employees.
Right I’m out. I remain totally where I always was with regards to the airport. Abuse and rudeness cuts no ice with me and I refuse to discuss anyone in regular life or on line unless they can keep a civil tone! ‘God Help Us’ whoever you are, you have shown yourself to be an uncouth lout and discredit your case enormously. Would you talk to me this way face to face?? I for one would not waste my breath on you unless you get a grip on your tongue! I have steared clear of all the infantile abuse flying around in this whole affair but I will say how it usually is initiated by the anti airport side who then expect airport supporters to suck it up?? – and are surprised and offended with any riposte! have never seen so many fake profiles in Facebook than on the anti airport pages which I have visited regularly along with the pro pages. If you think you can win hearts and minds with your foul and personally abusive style it just goes to show how pitifully little you know about life and people. I fervently hope the airport is a roaring success in every sense of the word. And I also fervently hope that the airport opposition mentality with its sheer aggression, abuse and sociopathic toxicity is marginalised to the very fringes of Thanet society – or better still extinguished. Because if it was not, then very seriously ‘God Help Us’ ????????????????
“I have steared clear of all the infantile abuse flying around in this whole affair but I will say how it usually is initiated by the anti airport side who then expect airport supporters to suck it up??”
I do thank you for bringing it up however irony and hypocrisy are missing from your posts but I suspect you will be back just as soon as you ring your friend
Bruce is wrong about the abuse, which has mostly been the product of airport supporters.
I hope there is no airport and that the council members who still want an airport come to their senses and realize that there are cleaner, quieter ways of creating local jobs. No wonder SHP have given up any hope of developing housing and industry in Thanet. The insults they received on SMAA’s site if not others were those normally used by teenagers – foul-mouthed, obscene, crude.
“Abuse and rudeness cuts no ice with me and I refuse to discuss anyone in regular life or on line unless they can keep a civil tone! ”
“the airport opposition mentality with its sheer aggression, abuse and sociopathic toxicity is marginalised to the very fringes of Thanet society – or better still extinguished. ”
Oh! The irony.
Not going well for RSP currently. “An HRDF is an antenna and associated equipment which, in conjunction with similar units in other locations, provides a navigational aid to aircraft operating within its range”
This is run by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation for the MOD.
Seems RSP are being economical with the truth as per usual
In case Bruce comes back would he care to comment on this comment by a well know planespotter
“For goodness sake ??? go and shove your head up your backside and shut tf up”
Very informative LOL
God help us. There is nothing like reasoned debate and what you are getting from the airport supporters is exactly that ,,,, nothing like reasoned debate 🙂
The MOD are not happy with RSP calling them liars and that they have mislead & misrepresented the situation over the location of the HRDF. Cogent the developers of Manston Green were shocked to find the HRDF was to be moved to the middle of their development mainly because RSP has failed to inform them LoL
I do think the alleged pros (you could do a lot with that word) is they do not understand the difference between “opinion” and facts.
Indeed so. That’s one reason that you can’t win them round with fact based arguments . There is no counter to “Airport Airport Airport “!