Creative Margate five-year-old raises money for Cats in Crisis

Lily-Rose and her 'Squidgy cat' paintings
Lily-Rose and her 'Squidgy cat' paintings

A five-year-old from Margate has raised £155 for Cats in Crisis by selling her fantastic kitty art works.

Lily-Rose Lockwood, who lives in Dane Valley, is a huge cat lover and creates lots of pictures of her favourite animal.

Mum Sara, 38, said: “When I saw the cat festival asking for entries I thought Lily-Rose’s Squidgy cat paintings would be a worthy entry.

“It asked on the application form if the paintings were up for sale. I asked what she wanted to do and she said  to sell them and give all the money to help feed the kitties and that is how it all began.”

The annual Festival of Cats, featuring exhibitions, workshops and events, took place at the Pie Factory Gallery in Margate in April.

Bradstowe School kitchen assistant Sara and Lily-Rose chose Cats in Crisis to benefit because their grandly named cat Pretty Betty Mcmittens WhiteSocks Lockwood is a rescue they adopted from the charity three years ago.

Sara said: “Lily-Rose loves cats, she would have all the cats in the world if she could! She makes such beautiful cat pictures as well that the festival was happy to accept.”

Lily-Rose made 24 pictures and between family, friends and the exhibition she raised £155.

Last weekend Lily-Rose and Sara visited the Cats in Crisis cattery to hand over the money.

Sara said: “She loved seeing all the cats and picking up the little kittens. She was on the floor with them and going under the chairs to find all the kittens and giving them cuddles. She was so happy. We were expecting her to sneak a kitten out in her bag but she was a good girl!

“We are all very proud of her and her efforts and what she achieved. She is already thinking of what else she can do, maybe a cake sale, to raise more funds.”

A spokesperson for Cats in Crisis said: “As a very big thank you to Lily-Rose for selling her pictures and raising a total of £155 we invited her to come and see some of the cats that we have in our care at the moment.

“Lily -Rose had a lovely time giving them cuddles, treats and talking to them.”

Find out more about Cats in Crisis on the facebook page here