A day at the beach for Monkton primary children

Beach fun for Monkton children

This week, Monkton Church of England Primary School moved nearly the whole school from the classroom to the beach as part of its drive to maintain an inspirational and ambitious curriculum.

Children from Years 1 to 6 spent the day at Margate Sands taking part in lots of enrichment activities aimed at providing the children with great experiences and creative learning. The children visited the RNLI Lifeboat Station and watched their class teachers get blasted with water whilst wearing a dry suit.

As well as learning about safety when at the coast, pupils created wonderful sand art linked to their topics, with sculptures of castles, dragons and shell art dominating the beach.

Assistant Head teacher Jo Guilder said: “The children had such a great time that they didn’t realise they were learning. Children have said how they want to come back again and how they’ve been inspired by being at the beach. All the children wanted to stay longer which shows how much they were enjoying themselves.”

The trip was free for all children as it was fully funded by the Monkton Parent and Teacher Association.


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