Ramsgate Arts Primary holds festival of fun

The crowd enjoys RAPSfest

Children, families, and friends joined together for a sunshine celebration at the first big event of the school year at Ramsgate Arts Primary.

The open air RAPSFest attracted hundreds of people from all generations who basked in the late summer sun for an afternoon of entertainment and fun organised by the Parent Council.

Head of School Nick Budge said: “It was a great success. There was a tremendous sense of unity as we enjoyed a really well-organised event that strengthened the ties between the school team, our pupils and their families.

“It was the first large-scale RAPS event for the parents of our new early years children and it was clear that they really enjoyed being welcomed into our community on a lively, energetic and fun afternoon.

“Our Parent Council offers so much to our school and once again they worked tirelessly to ensure RAPSFest was a warm and friendly occasion.”

The Big Eyes

Music, dance, and singing were showcased on an outdoor stage with strong performances by RAPS dancers, the school choir and the young rock band The Big Eyes that earned the right to appear after winning the school’s recent talent show.

A piano slot by musician and broadcaster Jon Nickoll, who many recognised from his acclaimed performances on the television documentary series at the world-famous Savoy Hotel, was another highlight.

Also popular were DJ Jonny Henfrey who kept the music coming with a selection of favourites throughout the afternoon, plus beautiful singing from vocalist Coralie Hughes who performed a wide selection of songs accompanied by pupils.

A range of diverse activities and games included a bouncy castle, flower potting and wildflower planting, arts and crafts, pottery, a kids’ karaoke, balloon modelling, hair glitter and tinsel, glitter tattoos, face painting, tee shirt printing, hook a mystery prize bag, tombola, and guess the name of the giant teddy.

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Refreshments included an ice cream van, sweet cart, candy floss stall, home-made cakes, burgers and chips.

Mr Budge added: “It was a beautiful warm late summer outdoor party that we all enjoyed.”

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