Community news: KCF grant for disabled riding, Rotary donations, Victoria Villa, Living Well, Mental Health United, Coastbuster, Wellbeing group, Creative Studios, Gadds, Copperfield Court and IOTAS

Funding for Thanet Disabled Riding Centre

Kent Community Foundation/ Thanet Disabled Riding Centre

Kent Community Foundation funding has been used to purchase a lift to assist children and adults with disabilities to mount ponies

Thanet Disabled Riding Centre provides individual tailored riding and therapy sessions to children and adults with many different physical and mental disabilities, vulnerabilities and special educational needs.

They applied to Kent Community Foundation for funding towards the purchase of a disabled lift. Kent Community Foundation awarded the organisation £4,200 from The Albert Burns Children’s Trust Fund, one of more than ninety philanthropic funds that they manage.

The grant was spent on the construction and delivery of a portable wheelchair ramp to assist disabled children and adults to mount ponies. Now that the new disabled lift is in use, Kent Community Foundation visited the charity to see the difference it has made to their riders and meet their four working ponies and Smartie their 36 year old retired tea drinking Shetland.

Robin Putney from the Thanet Disabled Riding Centre said: “We had the pleasure of meeting Hannah Hayfield from Kent Community Foundation who helped with funding towards our amazing wheelchair accessible ramp! Hannah got the chance to see the lift in full action with our wonderful rider Arthur and our pony Bertie! By having this equipment, Arthur is more independent when mounting Bertie for his ride! It also allows Arthur to be more self-confident during his ride too!”

Hannah Hayfield, Communications Manager, Kent Community Foundation said, “The Albert Burns Children’s Trust Fund supports projects across Thanet and they were delighted to contribute towards the cost of the disabled lift, to help the Thanet Disabled Riding Centre to offer their services to clients that could not previously mount the ponies. It was great to meet the team of volunteers, hear about the wonderful service they provide and see Arthur enjoying his ride on Bertie.”

Richard Durrant, Boys & Maughan Solicitors’, Trustee for the Albert Burns Children’s Trust Fund said: “Thanet Disabled Riding School’s role in supporting children is inspiring and an excellent fit for the aims of the Albert Burns Children’s Fund. The fund supports many fantastic charities and is always seeking new ways to support projects and initiatives that benefit children and young people in East Kent.”

To contact Kent Community Foundation about funding for charities and community groups call 01303 814500, email [email protected] or visit

Rotary Club of Westgate & Birchington

At a recent meeting of the Rotary Club of Westgate & Birchington we were delighted to welcome David Fagg, representing the Kent, Sussex & Surrey Air Ambulance, who gave an interesting talk about the purchase of a helicopter and the work of the charity.  Rotary President,

Dave Alker, presented a cheque for £1500, money which had been raised by the Rotary Clubs of Westgate & Birchington and Darmstadt Kranichstein (our twin club in Germany.) A million pounds was needed to buy the helicopter and the funds were raised in just six weeks of donations!

We were able to use the magic of “Zoom” to welcome past President Michael Heidt and current President Georg Merlau to our meeting and were able to thank them for their generous donation of €1000 which was made in May when we hosted members of their Rotary Club for our annual reunion.

Also present at the meeting were District Governor, Brian Dunne; Assistant Governor Vivienne Rose and her husband David; President of the Rotary Club of the Isle of Thanet Sunrise, Helen Hart and the President of the Inner Wheel Club of Westgate & Birchington, Hazel Hedges.

The Rotary Club of Westgate & Birchington enjoys weekly fun, fellowship and fund-raising at our meetings which are held at The Bell Inn, St Nicholas at Wade and enhanced by their excellent catering.

Find out more about our activities by visiting or by giving Dave Alker a call on 07962 929700

Rotary Club of Thanet supports Millmead families

The Rotary Club of Thanet are pleased to donate a further £1000 to Millmead Children’s centre for the benefit of local families. In addition, the children and their families will be guests of the club at the Aladdin pantomime in December at the Sarah Thorne Theatre.

Thanet Rotary are keen supporters of Millmead and view with dismay the suggestion in the current Kent County Council consultation that the centre could close at the end of this financial year.

Club President Maria Blackburn, formerly a Head teacher at Northdown school, remembers when SureStart, as it was then, started in a portacabin on the edge of the school field. “It was exciting to see the new building grow and later to work in partnership with the centre, particularly with under 5s and those just joining school, ensuring that the children had the foundation on which their future well- being and achievement would depend.”

For many years, no Xmas has been complete without the pleasure of the families’ attendance as guests of The Rotary Club of Thanet at the Sarah Thorne pantomime. This is on top of the regular and significant donations from the club’s charitable fund, the Cinderella Fund, which indeed comes from the world of pantomime.

The Rotary Club of Thanet encourage all who are working on Millmead’s future to secure an outcome which will see the centre continue and prosper as the amazing community asset it is. Let’s see everyone go to the Ball.

Victoria Villa

This is an appeal for outdoor tables, chairs and umbrellas for Victoria Villa in Westbrook, a sheltered housing complex for disabled people age 55+
If you have a spare furniture that is free of charge, please contact the Manager Margaret on 01843 299223.

Pilgrims Hospices and Turner Contemporary

Pilgrims Hospices and Turner Contemporary offer patients new creative pursuits Living Well sessions at Pilgrims Hospices offer patients social, creative and educational activities to enjoy with others. Often, guest speakers visit and share knowledge and expertise from within their field.

In 2023, Pilgrims invited Turner Contemporary in Margate to give a talk at a Living Well group, and a relationship grew from there.

Patients are now involved with Look Club, a free group for adults who are curious about art, which runs over six weeks for each exhibition at Turner Contemporary.

Look Club began in 2020, in response to the social isolation people were experiencing due to the pandemic. The gallery wanted to form a group that used art as a tool to bring people together. Since then, it has taken many forms, including creative workshops, art packs delivered by post, and online discussions. Look Club is now run in collaboration with Pilgrims Hospices and prioritises people who sign up through the hospice. Members are also encouraged to meet outside of Look Club weeks.

No previous knowledge is needed; the group, including the Turner team, learn together. The only requirement is an open mind.

Dee Ajiba, Learning Producer, said: “I initially went to Pilgrims to talk about our exhibitions and was met with such warmth and intrigue. The conversation took many diversions, which is exactly what Look Club is about – we welcome a tangent! Since then, we visit the Therapy Centre every few months to update on our programmes and run creative workshops. The team and groups have been instrumental in shaping the sessions and encouraging people to join, creating a growing, supportive network that we truly value.”

Brian and Lesley

Brian Hodgson from Broadstairs, aged 77, was referred to Pilgrims Hospices by his neurologist at QEQM Hospital, Margate. He and his wife, Lesley, are receiving support from the charity.

Brian said: “At first, I didn’t understand that palliative care meant support, not the end of life – it helps you to live as well as you possibly can. My view changed immensely.”

Lesley added: “As a carer, I know that I can phone for help any time. I also have complementary therapy through the Carers Cafe, which is great. People often associate hospices with dying; my own dad died at the Thanet hospice, so that was how I thought about them until now. I wish more people knew what hospices can offer. Pilgrims has given us confidence to carry on doing the things we like; it can be tricky, and we do have family and friends on hand to help, but Pilgrims offer a level of expertise that is so valuable.”

Brian initially had reiki therapy at the Thanet hospice before joining the Time to Create therapeutic art group, which offers patients the opportunity to try a range of artistic activities and processes. A lifelong artist, Brian has a First Class Honours degree in fine art from Maidstone College of Art and co-founded the New Kent Art gallery and studio in Broadstairs.

When Brian chose to stop attending Time to Create, Jane Stanley and Zoe Cullen, Wellbeing Practitioners, encouraged him to consider other therapy options.

Brian said: “Jane and Zoe suggested I might like the Living Well group, which is interactive in a different way, with guest speakers attending and offering many activities. I love it, I really enjoy it. Jane, Zoe and all the other Wellbeing Practitioners, and the volunteers, are brilliant.”

Lesley continued: “One week, I dropped Brian off and they had a DJ and flashing lights. There he was in a wheelchair, and I left thinking: “I don’t know if this will be for him!” But he had a great time, apparently – he even led the conga!”

Brian added: “They’ve nicknamed me Suggs!”

A particular highlight of Brian’s time in the Living Well group has been his involvement with Look Club.

Brian said: “We’ve been going to exhibitions at Turner since it first opened, but had never come across Look Club. A recent exhibition linked really well with my own work; it featured artist Agnes Martin, who inspired my final degree show. I’d never seen her work in person until it happened to be in the Turner exhibition. It was such a special and emotional experience to be there with an artist, listening to them talk about their work.

“Dee, Bowie and Sarah, who run Look Club, are great. They feel like real friends. They’re so supportive of making art more accessible.”

The Turner team added: “Attending hospice groups has been a wonderful way of bringing Look Club to people who may not be able to join at the gallery. We know there can be an air of exclusivity around art institutions, so going to the groups and engaging with people in their own space hopefully helps dispel this. It has also been a lovely opportunity to see that, rather than being a place of sadness, the hospice is full of joy. We’ve laughed and learned a lot with groups like Living Well.

“Look Club is about art, but it’s also about connection. For each exhibition, Bowie and Sarah spend several weeks thoroughly researching before tailoring the sessions to align with the interests of the group, thoughtfully and creatively finding ways to build people’s confidence and friendship. For one and a half hours on a Thursday, we uncover histories, jump down rabbit holes and try out new ideas. It’s okay if we don’t understand something – that’s where it gets interesting.”

Find out more

If you’d like to get involved with Look Club through Pilgrims Hospices, please contact the Wellbeing team or Dee Ajiba at Turner Contemporary:

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01843 233 000

For more information on Pilgrims Hospices’ Wellbeing Programme, visit

Email [email protected] or call the Pilgrims Hospices Advice Line on 01233 504 133.

Mental Health United

Thanet resident Danny Harris runs Mental Health United football for men, women and children, which is a free for all organisation to help people who have struggles with any sort of addiction, issues, troubles or just generally feel down.

Danny Harris

The non-profit organisation aims to raise money and awareness for mental health through sport.

The team runs every Friday from 7pm-8pm at Margate FC for an hour session of friendly football and chats.  Cost is £5 (if you have it) which goes towards Mental Health United.

We can also be found on Instagram @mentalhealthunitedthanet or Whatsapp 07775338090 to be added to the group.

Coastal Striders

This year’s Coastbuster takes place on November 17.

There is a 10k or a 10 mile option so a distance that will suit all abilities

10k Route:-

10 Mile Route:-

The event has been a sell out for the last two years so If you would like to join us

All race details and entries can be found at:…/coastbuster-10-mile-and…

Bespoke medal for all finishers.
Trophies for leading runners (10 Mile and 10k)
Trophies for age categories 1 – 8 (10 Mile race)

On-the-day Entry Fees (subject to availability only):
10 Mile race: £30.00
10K race: £25.00
Children’s Fun Run race: £6.00

Health and Wellbeing sub group Birchington

Birchington Parish Council held its first Health and Wellbeing Group meeting held on 11th September.

Chaired by Cllr Colin Brown, the group has been brought together by Birchington Parish Council to encourage collaboration and innovation to support and improve the health and wellbeing of the residents of Birchington.

The first meeting was attended by Cllr Brown, Cllr Pooke, the Parish Council Clerk, and representatives from national charities, local community groups and social enterprises, and volunteers linked to local health and wellbeing services.

Cllr Brown said the aim is to get more people involved in health and wellbeing activities and hopes that this will include youngsters from local schools.

The next meeting is on October 30.

To get involved contact Cllr Brown on [email protected]

Community Creative Studios CIC

Community Creative Studios CIC was set up by Garlinge mum Amy Hughes this year.

Amy started crafting in 2012 to help combat loneliness when her husband was working away from home. It was something she found she had talent for, and enjoyed, and so Amy’s Emporium home and giftware company was born.

Last year Amy moved the company to a new work base at Westwood Industrial Estate and set up Community Creative Studios alongside her emporium business.

Now, with funding from Social Enterprise Kents Boost programme, Amy is starting a monthly support group for parents and carers of children with epilepsy and other additional needs.

This launched on 19th September at 7pm and is followed by a fortnightly support and social group for teens with epilepsy starting Friday 11th October at 7pm. There will also be a monthly creative group for parents and siblings of children with additional need, dates TBC.

Amy said: “ These groups were a massive drive for this whole project, with a son with complex epilepsy we have found that there are no local support groups.”

The sessions take place in the studio at Westwood, near B&Q. Address A7 D/E/F, Continental Approach, Margate

All can be booked online  Support Groups – Community Creative Studios CIC

GADDS- Ramsgate Brewery

Green Hop Beer Festival

Save the date: Saturday the 5th of October , noon-7pm

We’ve decided to add a new event to this year’s calendar, because you can never have too much Green Hop.

Featuring 12 guest Green Hop ales, live music from The SuperMicks, and curries from our friends at Karara.

This will be a day to celebrate the breadth of brilliant Green Hop beers that are brewed by some of our favourite breweries.

There will be more details coming over the following weeks, so keep an eye on our social media for more updates.

Copperfield Court Care Home

Copperfield Court care home is delighted to announce its participation in a unique six-week wellbeing programme, hosted by Kent Wildlife Trust. Beginning on 20th September, this nature-focused initiative brings joy, relaxation, and new learning opportunities to residents, with a particular emphasis on sensory-rich, dementia-friendly activities.

Every Friday, from 10am to noon, residents at Copperfield Court take part in activities designed to help them reconnect with nature and stimulate their senses. Led by Kent Wildlife Trust’s Wilder Wellbeing Officers, Vicky Wright and Nikki Cresswell, the programme features themed sessions that explore the wonders of wildlife, forests, the sea, and more. Whether it’s listening to the soothing sounds of waves while learning about marine life, or planting herbs to bring fresh fragrances into the home, these experiences are tailored to inspire curiosity and joy, particularly for those living with dementia or dealing with physical or mental health challenges.

During a recent taster session, residents planted herb pots, created fragrant potpourri bags, and learned fascinating facts about wildlife. The atmosphere was electric, with residents eager to continue their nature-inspired journey.

Freda Gedge, 91, shared her excitement: “The session was amazing! I’ve learnt so much about things I didn’t know before, and I’ve discovered new wildlife in the local area.”

Jessie Cocks, 93, added, “It’s truly marvellous that they come to spend time with us. I’m really looking forward to the next session!”

The programme has 12 residents taking part in sensory-friendly activities each week, using smells, sounds, and textures to create an immersive experience. Themes will range from exploring forests to learning about different bird species, with relevant music and hands-on projects to enhance each session. For residents who may not be able to physically access natural environments, this programme brings nature to them, offering a meaningful way to engage their senses and rekindle their connection with the world around them.

Eve Balcombe, General Manager of Copperfield Court, said: “We’re absolutely thrilled to be part of this wellbeing programme with Kent Wildlife Trust. It’s a wonderful opportunity for our residents to explore and enjoy nature, and it brings so much happiness, particularly for those living with dementia. The sensory activities bring the outdoors to them, creating moments of joy and connection that are invaluable to their wellbeing.”

For more information on the care home, click here: or call 01843 423207.

Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society

The Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society is delighted to announce that on Monday 30 September we shall be welcoming Richard Taylor to Crampton Hall for a presentation on the Lees Court Estate.   If you follow archaeology on TV I’m sure many of you will have seen him on the TV archaeology programme he recently presented called ‘The Great British Dig’.   He is also the General Manager of Kent Archaeological Society (KAS), so we are privileged to have him with us on that date, especially at fairly short notice.   Some you may also know that he also directed the Ebbsfleet excavations to try to establish Caesar’s landing place, some years ago, and some IOTAS members also participated as volunteers on that dig.

Richard will be giving us a presentation on findings this year on the Lees Court Estate Project, which KAS has worked on for the last couple of years.   Lees Court Estate is on the North Downs near Faversham and in 2023 exciting evidence was found of a ring ditch in Stringmans Field, indicating that the structure may be older than the Bronze Age.   This year’s excavations were planned to complete the examination of the ring ditch.   Richard will be continuing the story of the excavations, and he will hopefully be bringing some of the artefacts as well –a real treat!

This presentation will be held at Crampton Hall Yard on 30 September, doors open at 7.15 pm for a prompt start at 7.45pm, finishing by 9pm.   IOTAS members have free admission, and guests (up to the limit of the hall’s accommodation) will be admitted on payment of a small donation, around £3.   Please contact us at [email protected] to secure your place, as we expect this talk to be popular, and places will be limited.

At our following talk Monday 28 October, IOTAS will be hosting a presentation by Victoria Hosegood on the Thanet Archaeological Landscape Mapping Project, which aims to draw together data from the long history of archaeological investigations in the county of Kent.   This project has been funded by a grant from Historic England to Kent County Council – further details to follow.   Time, venue and admission details as for previous talk above.   See the project website:

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