Sundowners application for music on Terrace Deck prompts public comment

An application has been made to have amplified music on the Terrace Deck from April-October

An application to remove a restriction on amplified music at the Terrace Deck above the Marine Drive shelter has prompted a number of comments objecting and others in support.

The application, which wants permission for music at the site from 11am to 9.30pm daily from 1 April to 31st October, has been made by Proud Pink Inns which runs the Sundowners club at Albert Terrace.

The application asks to: “Allow amplified music to mostly be played at low volume background music plus occasional cabaret entertainment for seated customers. Improving the terrace facilities in the area for both local people and tourists.”

Some 16 objections and 13 (updated) letters of support have been lodged with Thanet council against the proposal.

One says: “The music vibrates my entire flat, prevents me from enjoying any peace (or any of my own music) at the weekend and prevents me from working there during the week in the summer months.

“Even going for a walk on the beach doesn’t allow me to escape. The repetitive, psychosis-inducing sound of Sweet Caroline reverberating extends across the entire main sands on a frequent basis.

“And, as much as I love the song Believe by Cher, I don’t want to hear it twice a day at full volume for six months of the year.”

(Update) Ward councillor Rob Yates has added his support for the application saying it would be a ‘travesty’ to deny the request when Dreamland “can freely blast their music across our town.”

He said: “One of the best places in Margate is the terrace on Marine Drive, which has been used for years as a community hub in Margate, marking the end of Margate Pride, Margate Carnival and other parades. The space is pivotal in our tourist attraction, offering entertainment to those on the terrace and the passers by, showing off the best sunsets in the world, and setting the tone for the tourist town.

“As Councillor for Margate Central the only complaint I have ever received about Sundowners from a nearby resident has been the quality of the participants taking part in the karaoke.

“Meanwhile, nearby we have one of the most generous licencing conditions in the country for Dreamland which blasts music right across out town. It would be a travesty to not allow Sundowners to operate music from this terrace, as they have done for years, whilst Dreamland next door can freely blast their music across our town. A negative decision would impact Margate Pride, Margate Carnival, queer weddings, karaoke events and would quite frankly damage the soul of our tourist town.”

He adds that the new management at Sundowners are: “doing everything they can to minimize noise disruption,” and a rejection could see: “Sundowners as a venue not survive and we will have another empty building and empty terrace.”

Those who have made objections have pointed to a previous application, made under different club ownership in 2007, which approved the use of the terrace for tables and chairs between 11am and 10.30pm but stipulated ‘no amplified music.’

Thanet council’s conservation officer said: “I have no objections and believe there to be a less than substantial implication to the setting and appearance of the surrounding conservation area.”

The terrace is owned by Thanet council.

Proud Pink Inns took over management of Sundowners last October. The venue is one of the hosts for Margate Pride and is a dedicated LGBT bar, restaurant and club with music, performance and fundraising events.

A decision is yet to be made on the application. Views must be submitted via the planning portal, reference F/TH/24/0538, by tomorrow (July 8).