Ramsgate Holy Trinity pupil’s fundraising haircut for school and Little Princess Trust

Alice had 21 inches cut from her hair

Ramsgate Holy Trinity Primary School has been embarking on a play programme known as OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) which improves opportunities for physical activity, socialisation, resilience, creativity, imagination and enjoyment through improved play. The school has been making these changes since January 2024.

At the beginning of their journey, following a well-thought-out petition from some of the Year 6 children, the school pledged to provide their children with a cosy outdoor space during the wet and windy months. After raising money through whole school discos and a sponsored dance-a-thon, the school was still short of the £4000 total.

Eight-year-old, Alice John then decided that she wanted to support her school with a fundraising event by cutting off 21 inches of her hair. This was donated to the Little Princess Trust and the money that she is raising will be put towards the cost of the school’s cosy cabin.

Within just a few days Alice had achieved her initial target of £300. This was then raised to £500, and then again to £800. The total money raised now stands at £867.50, almost a quarter of the cost of the cabin itself.

Alice said: “I love OPAL, and I really wanted to help the school raise the money so that we all have somewhere quiet and cosy to sit and colour.”

The school and the children are extremely proud of Alice for putting herself forward and for being so brave. Headteacher Mrs Price said: “What an amazing thing for Alice to achieve on behalf of the whole school community.

“OPAL has completely transformed our lunchtimes, and it has been particularly joyous to witness children’s advocacy in the way they have taken ownership of the project – this is a perfect example of children taking positive action to benefit all. Well done Alice!”

If anyone would still like to help and support the school with this fundraising event. Please click on the ‘Just Giving’ link below and donate by Friday 19th July.


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