Invite to join free Nordic Walking sessions in Ramsgate

Denise (in red) is leading Nordic Walking sessions

Free Nordic Walking sessions are on offer in Ramsgate for the over 55’s thanks to SEK/KCC Wellbeing Community funding.

The sessions, which take place at Ellington ark and Spencer Square are led by Langmead guest house owner Denise Hill.

She set up Ramsgate Nordic Walking in May 2023 after a fruitless search for a Nordic Walking instructor in Thanet. Denise loves walking and wants to keep fit despite having dodgy knees and hips “that are on their way out.”

She added: “I completed my British Nordic Walking Instructor training in March 2023 and recruited my first group of six people by word of mouth. This group has continued to meet every week on Ramsgate’s Western Undercliff (come rain or shine and wind) and one participant is now training to be a Walk Leader, meaning that she can lead walks when the Instructor is unavailable or support the Instructor to differentiate with mixed ability larger groups.”

Walking has benefits for mental and physical health but Nordic Walking adds even more. Originating in Finland in the 1930s to maintain off season fitness for skiers, done correctly, using poles to drive against and push into the ground you are working your upper body. It’s like using a cross trainer at the gym as you have something to pull against.

It uses 90% of muscle groups, is a fat burner, improves posture – as the poles lift you up and you can walk faster.

Denise said: “It’s all the benefits we want from walking. You feel lighter as there is less stress on the joints and helps tone our bodies. For someone with dodgy knees like me that’s a real plus. It takes the weight off the hips too. The type of poles you use is very important: unlike ordinary trekking poles, Nordic Walking poles give you a strap to press against and are held at an angle. Running regular walks means that people form friendships and having them in the same place allows us to observe nature through the seasons.”

The Wellbeing Community funding is being used to get more people over 55 into Nordic Walking in Ramsgate by breaking down the  financial barrier that is preventing some people from accessing it.

There are two Nordic Walking Pole Hubs in Ramsgate. One at Ellington Park Cafe and one at Vincent’s in Spencer Square – both community cafes.  Once people have completed a Nordic Walking wellbeing course, they will receive a card which enables them to borrow the poles to use independently, with other walkers or on one of the group walks. There will not be a charge to borrow the poles but there will be a donation box.

Six week Nordic Walking wellbeing courses are being run from each Hub. The Ellington Park walks take place in Ellington Park in a supported environment for people who need to build up their physical health or prefer to walk shorter distances. The Spencer Square walks have access to The Western Undercliff which presents more challenges with varied terrain, such as slopes and sand. There is a regular weekly Nordic Walking class for course graduates.

Free Nordic Walking sessions

Tuesdays Ellington Park Café 2pm-3pm

June 18 and 25, July 2,9,16, 23

Wednesdays Vincent’s at Spencer Square 12.30pm-1.30pm

June 19, 26, July 3, 10, 17. 24

Saturday Vincent’s noon-1pm

June 19, July 6,13,20, 27

Sunday Ellington Park café 11am to noon

June 23, 30, July 7,14,21

Contact Denise on 07813 653775

Email [email protected]
