Traders form group to improve ‘forgotten’ top end of Margate High Street

Stuart and Lewis run Mill Place Margate cafe and interiors

Traders are working together to improve the ‘forgotten’  top end of Margate High Street with ideas  to bring in customers and tackle issues such as cars parking across business fronts and the lack of bins and seating.

Traders from businesses including Mill Place Margate, Petals, Dive, Covell’s Tavern and Go Create pottery studio have formed the Margate High Street Group and  are appealing to Thanet council to help them put plans in place.

Mill Place cafe and interiors

Ideas include planters for the length of the top High Street, more bins, some seating, pop-up market stalls outside empty shops, bollards to stop vehicles during through during the pedestrian only hours, tackling street drinking and festoon lights all year round instead of the defunct Christmas lights.

Planters could help with parking issues and make the High Street more welcoming

Stuart Parkin and partner Lewis Mitchell head up Mill Place café and interiors shop.

The pair took over the former vape store last April and have worked to transform the space from front to back.

Stuart, who is a trade interior and store designer, used his skills to create an eclectic mix of lighting, furniture, mirrors and plants for sale amid the seating for café clients to give them “a feast for the eyes.”

Mill Lane Margate

Lewis is in the music licensing business and involved in major productions with his passion being for opera and classical music.

Stuart, 52, said: “Last week the town was deserted, especially with the Post Office and WHSmith gone. The group has formed to look at how we can regenerate our end of the high street.”

High Street

Stuart says he has contacted councillors and detailed when cars have been in the high street despite there being pedestrianised only restrictions between 10am and 5pm every day.

He said: “I have asked what we can do as a community and as traders to help sort this out.

Night time parking

“If the council is not willing to do anything then we just want them to help us to work out how to go forwards. Let’s work together instead of just saying it is Thanet council’s fault, it’s not although they do have the vehicles, knowledge and funding that could sort some issues out.”

The traders want:

  • Bollards or gates to stop cars entering the town during the day
  • Planters the length of the top High Street to make the town look attractive and stop cars from parking outside businesses
  • More bins- Stuart said: “There are bins by Boots and by us but nothing in-between so that can be a problem.”
  • Benches- Stuart said: “When the benches are broken they get taken away rather than repaired or replaced. There is a problem with street drinkers which is why High Street seating has been removed but we also have elderly people that need to sit down.Police do act on street drinking and there is a PSPO (public spaces protection order) and now we have tables and chairs out the front they don’t seem to be sitting around so much.”
  • Beautifying – Stuart said: “The mayor (and Charter Trustees) pay for all the flowers at the Piazza and seafront, TDC do Cecil Square and so we would like the mayor to do the same for our High Street.”
  • Festoon lights for the length of the High Street
  • Market stalls outside empty shops on a temporary basis to generate footfall.

The Margate High Street Group is now looking to form as a community interest company.

A response to the traders’ suggestions has been requested from Thanet council.

Margate Mayor Jack Packman and Mayoress Karen Brinkman Photo Frank Leppard

The group is in contact with new Margate mayor Jack Packman who has been looking at ways the Charter Trustees might be able to help.

Cllr Packman said: “One of my pledges to Margate as the Town Mayor is to support the regeneration of the high street. It is important that we give our high streets the attention they deserve and support the business already in the high street but attract new traders too.

More bins needed

“We will work alongside community led organisations such as the Margate High Street Group and Margate Town Action Group linking in with Thanet District Council and I am confident working together we can achieve this.”

Find Mill Place cafe on facebook here