Council lifts advice against bathing from Minnis Bay to Westbrook

Advice against bathing now lifted Photo Brian Whitehead

Advice against bathing at Minnis Bay, West Bay, St Mildred’s Bay and Westbrook Bay has now been lifted.

The advice was put in place yesterday (May 30), following the discovery of organic matter that had washed up along the North Thanet coast.

The advice was put in place after a report of black lumps at St Mildred’s Bay that, according to a member of the public who alerted the beach warden, were “squidgy and smell of petrochemicals.”

The last warning came just 24 hours after advice against bathing at Minnis Bay was lifted. The advice was put in place on Monday 20 May, following the discovery of dead ragworms, lugworms and shellfish at Minnis Bay.

This was caused by a naturally occurring algal bloom. The algae resulted in the presence of a residue which has now hardened and is being broken up by the action of the tides.

Having carried out a range of tests, the Environment Agency (EA) confirmed the material in the affected area is not toxic.

Council officers are removing the signs from the bays.