The Margate Bookshop celebrates fifth anniversary

Francesca celebrating five years of The Margate Bookshop

The Margate Bookshop in Market Place has celebrated its fifth anniversary.

Shop owner Francesca Wilkins opened the store in 2019 in the Old Town after first appearing as a pop up in Turner Contemporary in 2017 during the Margate Bookie festival.

Francesca said: “When I first opened the shop in 2019, I only had an inkling that this might work. The bookshop’s opening night was enormously encouraging and it’s that same enthusiasm and incredible support that The Margate Bookshop has seen ever since that makes this such a special thing.

Photo Roberto Fabiani

“None of this would be possible without an incredible team of people: Aly, recently described accurately as “sassy but affable”, who keeps the entire operation afloat with her dedication and meticulousness, not to mention her impeccable customer service; Ryan, our perfect host, who manages our entire events program; and Sandra, our newest team member who, straight from LA, brings the warmest, sunniest smile as well as a knowledge of contemporary literature which genuinely puts mine to shame.

“Without them The Margate Bookshop would be a fraction of what it is. I also want to thank Imogen and Isobel for running our Bookshop Bookclub with such flair and friendliness.

“I’m immensely proud to be a part of an incredible network of independent bookshops across the country and I’m grateful also for Thanet’s brilliant community of writers, we’re so lucky to have many incredible authors here and it’s a privilege to be able to support them through the shop.

“The biggest thank you goes to our customers. It’s their enthusiasm and support that keep us going and their generous words of encouragement that remind us why we do this.

“It’s thanks to them that we’re able to run a diverse program of free events open to all, that we’re able to champion new authors and support small publishers. Their eclectic reading tastes keep our stock interesting.

“In 2022 our customers donated £5000 which meant we were able to buy £10,000 worth of books for Margate’s primary schools, adding hundreds of new books to their libraries and ensuring that many children from low-income families were able to have a book of their own.

“Everything that we do is possible because of our customers, and without them The Margate Bookshop simply wouldn’t be.”

Photo Roberto Fabiani

The Margate Bookshop is at 2 Market Place and is open Tuesday-Saturday, 10am to 6pm and Sunday and Monday 10am to 4pm.

Find the shop online here