Young Artists at St Gregory’s explore Margate and Turner Contemporary

Creating art and a trip to Turner Contemporary for St Gregory's pupils

Margate seen through the eyes of a young artist was the challenging theme for a competition for children at St Gregory’s Catholic Primary in the town.

Entrants considered all aspects of the town and its environs, its history, heritage, and the things that make it unusual, unique, comforting and home.

The response in varied kinds of artistic interpretation including photography and drawing was impressive – and the ten winners were rewarded with a trip to visit Turner Contemporary at Margate harbour.

The children were given a tour of the latest exhibition, Beyond Form: Lines of Abstraction, 1950 – 1970, which connects the work of more than 50 women from across the globe through a shared language of abstraction.

Next St Gregory’s young artists enjoyed a hands-on making session where they were encouraged to work as a team to create art from bottle lids and pool noodle foam tubes before turning their hands to either soap carving or weaving.

The children were praised for their good behaviour and manners by the Turner staff during the trip.

Head Teacher Dave Walker said: “Turner Contemporary is a fantastic asset for the area and our children thoroughly enjoyed learning more about the art exhibition they visited as well as taking on the creative challenges they faced. It was an inspirational outing for them and a lovely treat that they enjoyed.

“Our art competition saw many entries of a high standard. We hope to exhibit our entries on display in the school for everyone to share.”