Changing Minds Kent Wellbeing Champions programme launches at St George’s School

Wellbeing Champions programme at St George's School

Changing Minds Kent CIC (CMK) has been working with St George’s School in Broadstairs to launch a student ‘Wellbeing Champions’ programme, in partnership with Kent Police and Southeastern.

Year 10 students Riley, Sophie, Milly, Daniella and Sophie at St George’s were selected to take part in this year’s programme launch. This included a series of workshops for students to develop skills in emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.

At the end of the sessions, the year 10 youngsters created a whole-school campaign to promote student wellbeing. Thanks to the Wellbeing Champions, pupils at St. George’s now benefit from a weekly peer recognition scheme, where students are acknowledged for kindness shown to peers; drop-in peer support groups facilitated by this year’s CMK Wellbeing Champions; and a positive affirmation cake sale raising funds for Changing Minds Kent, where students received an affirmation as well as a cake.

At the end of the academic year, the students will support the appointment of a new cohort of wellbeing champions.

CMK Wellbeing Champion Sophie said she felt “more able to recognise people’s emotions” and could now “spot the signs of people who were struggling”. She added that she “now knew what to do to support them”.

Riley said he felt he had “gained a better understanding of different mental health conditions and what can be done to prevent further problems”.

In addition to the CMK Wellbeing Champions programme, 18 of St George’s staff have signed up to youth mental health first aid training with Changing Minds Kent, to develop skills to identify and support young people in distress.

Kate Best, Director of Wellbeing, said: “The impact these amazing pupils will have on our younger years who need a little extra help and support from their peers is extremely valuable. “As a school we are proud of their ideas and initiatives which will improve the wellbeing of the wider school community. We look forward to continuing to work with CMK to further develop both staff and pupils’ knowledge around supporting positive wellbeing and mental health.”

Data shows one in five children and young people are experiencing a mental health disorder, schools are struggling to meet the mental health needs of students and Children and Adult Mental Health Services are oversubscribed.

Changing Minds Kent aims to empower young people with strategies and tools to support in the prevention of mental ill health and with the skills and knowledge needed to look after their own wellbeing and that of their peers.

The CMK Wellbeing Champions Programme will continue at St. George’s and the CMK team hopes to build further partnerships with other secondary schools in Kent.

For further information on the work of CMK (Changing Minds Kent CIC), visit or visit their Instagram socials @cmkcommunity.

If you are from a secondary school interested in the CMK Wellbeing Champions Programme, or a funder interested in donating to or supporting the work of CMK,  email [email protected].