Ramsgate woman found guilty of manslaughter after man lured to his death in London

Christina Manen

A Ramsgate woman has been found guilty of manslaughter and four men convicted of murder after luring a man to his death in London.

On Friday, 22 March at the Old Bailey, Karl Black, 43 of Cassiobury Road E17, Jahoe Allen, 33 of Kings Road UB8, Ayyub Kigoz, 18 of Salop Road E17 and Jabir Sitar, 21 of Clacton Road E17 were all found guilty of murdering 25-year-old Jordan Briscoe in Tottenham in March 2023 after luring him to the scene on the premise of a drugs deal.

Christina Manen, 36, of Lancaster Close, Ramsgate, was found guilty of manslaughter.

Kigoz was also found guilty of robbing Jordan around the time of his death of his mobile phone.


Detective Chief Inspector Linda Bradley, who led the investigation, said: “Jordan’s family remain devastated by his loss and our thoughts continue to remain with them.

“These four men carried out a pre-meditated and violent attack after luring Jordan to the scene. They all gave evidence during their trial but tried to blame each other. The jury saw through their lies.

“Our investigation showed that Black planned the attack with others and used Manen to lure Jordan from his home address, with her also knowing that really serious harm was likely to be caused to him.

“We are pleased the jury accepted our evidence and that these four male defendants will now face a significant amount of time behind bars.”


Police were called to Arnold Road, N15 at around 10:15pm on Sunday, 5 March 2023. Officers began first aid, alongside colleagues from the London Ambulance Service, but Jordan was pronounced dead shortly after arrival at hospital.

A post-mortem examination found the cause of death to be sharp force trauma to the chest.

An investigation was launched and specialist murder detectives worked tirelessly to piece together the events of the evening.

A phone belonging to Jordan, which was found at the scene, showed he had sent a message to 21 recipients earlier that evening, offering cannabis for sale.

Call records revealed that shortly after sending the message, Manen rang Jordan and then sent him a message with an address of where to meet so she could purchase drugs.

In reality, she was not even in London and was luring him to an address, knowing others would be there to meet him.

CCTV shows Jordan leaving his house to make the deal. At around 9:53pm, doorbell footage recovered by officers shows a group surround and talk to Jordan for around 11 minutes, asking him about drugs, his name and age and his religion.

They then move out of the camera’s view and carry out the fatal attack. One person can be heard saying ‘let’s go let’s go’ before they are captured leaving the scene.


The team gathered CCTV from before and after the murder, which showed the group meeting up at Black’s address in Cassiobury Road, before heading to the ambush site, several miles away. Whilst Black had planned the attack, he tried to distance himself by remaining out of Arnold Road, but close enough to control what was happening.

Just before they left E17, Allen is seen outside of the house appearing to do a jabbing motion towards the stomach area, pre-empting what was about to happen.


Jordan’s girlfriend told police that a man wearing a ski mask had come to her home to say Jordan had been involved in an altercation. He told her it ‘wasn’t looking good for him’, before asking if she found him attractive.

He then led her towards Arnold Road where she came across the police cordon. Officers were able to match the description she provided with the CCTV images to conclude this had been Jahoe Allen.

All four will be sentenced on Monday, 29 April.


  1. Let’s hope they never see daylight as free people again. Utter scum. Personally I think they all deserve the death penalty but of course the snowflakes will think differently, no doubt it’s the government’s fault, after all, there is no personal accountability anymore.

  2. Nice looking chaps, Why the hell would she get involved with this trash?
    Being an addict can make you do all sorts of dodgy stuff I would imagine, just trying to get that next fix and not thinking of the consequences.

      • I was wondering that too (and my “They all look so normal” comment was aimed at ALL of them – not that it stopped Nokes from getting his panties in a right 2 and 8).

      • You guys jump on anything you can manipulate to your own means – is it that you like to seem superior? or just out of boredom?

        • You didn’t answer Ewan’s quite reasonable question and polite question. Or do you think that only ethnic males can be evil and not white women?

        • There’s nothing superior about me, and I’m not bored. I’m just intrigued as to why although five people are implicated in this crime, you only describe four of them as ‘trash’? Don’t worry, I’m not going to call you a racist, for all I know you might well have a good reason. I’m unable to respond to your accusation ‘manipulate for my means’, because I don’t understand it.

  3. The comments are as always so predictable from the Birchington brigade of continuity UKIP.
    Look, agreed these are not nice people and yes prison for all of them would seem just and fair, but execution? For one thing, do we want to be in the same camp as Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and Alabama?
    Secondly after the Horizon affair can we really trust the criminal justice system to be fool proof and thirdly, even when the bloody code existed, juries often failed to convict and murders still took place.
    Please understand that it is the likelihood of detection, not any sentence that deters criminality and even then with terrorists it is no deterrent because want the state to turn them into martyrs.
    It’s not snowflakery, it’s wanting to avoid being a bonehead spouting cheap slogans.

  4. Sorry George but I disagree. The vast majority of the British public are sick of the bigoted woke minority that want to push their views on the rest of us. The police are sick of arresting the same people time after time only to see woke judges giving offenders yet another chance to remain on our streets and commit more crime.

    For the time being we are still allowed to have opinions much to the disgust of the left wing bigots.You might try to belittle people with differing view points but it just goes to show your bigotry in its truest form.

    China, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc aren’t blighted by criminality like the so called Free world. The Wests quest to be a liberal utopia has just empowered the criminals and made society worse for the majority of us.
    Perhaps you Should look in the mirror George because you and your woke mates are just as patronising and bigoted as the people you try in vain to mock.
    It’s interesting that the people on the right will usually listen to opposing viewpoints whereas the left just accuse people of being racist, misogynistic and islamophobic if they don’t agree with their viewpoints. Perhaps the woke and the far left should read up on the definition of bigotry, they might actually learn something.

  5. well hope they all get a good long sentence each n everyone of them but I doubt that would happen be out in a few years

  6. Not even a reason to kill him mentioned. Why did they? For the experience when they go to jail to brag about? God only knows.
    Scum bags all of them. What is wrong with these sick monsters on our streets?
    All 5 to be sentenced surely not just 4?

  7. As far as I’m concerned, Concerned, you are quite wrong in saying “there’s no personal responsibility any more”. The vast majority of us do behave with responsibility and respect for our fellow citizens, and without such a glue, society would truly fall apart. Of course there are a number of utterly selfish people with no moral compass whatsoever, who deserve to be taken away and locked up, for punishment and to stop them offending. But to suggest it’s a modern phenomenon caused by wishy washy liberals and “woke” judges is absolute nonsense. 200 years ago there were hundreds of crimes carrying the death sentence, judges were quite happy to don their black caps, and felons were hanged in front of baying crowds of thousands, until even the government, so terrified of their great unwashed people that they’d put all the punishments in law in the first place, got sickened by the spectacle and banned public executions, encouraged by that old snowflake Charles Dickens. But did execution, public or otherwise, transportation, or being locked up for years in a disease ridden gaol, stop people thieving (especially when you were starving, there being no woke welfare state), murdering and raping? Nope. Some human beings have always thieved, murdered and raped, or defaced bridges and burned hayricks, and laughed when others got the blame and got executed in their place. If you and your “majority of the British population” want to sit round a guillotine or whatever and watch heads roll to satisfy some inner impotent fury, just say so. But also don’t forget that the current government, which you think is blameless, has run out of prison cells to which the woke judges could send convicted criminals, and is discouraging them from handing down custodial sentences, and also letting prisoners out early. So, until the government finally privatises the entire nation and we’re owned by Saudi Arabia or China and we can can get the old death penalty (and some new ones, stoning, beheading, firing squad?) back again, you’ll just have to rage and rant on here as usual.

  8. Did they, A; become evil because they’re ugly? Or B; become ugly because they’re evil? (There’s no C!)

  9. It seems to me getagrip, and George Nokes, were merely calmly answering the rant and rage string ’em up brigade with historical facts, which of course those on the right can’t cope with. No-one has so far actually queried any of the actual points they’ve raised. Gammons just bang on about lefty wokies preventing them from hanging people or machine gunning immigrants as they invade our shores. Cancel your Daily Mail, or line the cat litter tray with it (if you don’t have a moggy, get a rescue cat, it’ll make you a nicer person, or maybe use the tray yourself and save on your water bills), turn off GB news, get down to the library, borrow a book on British history and learn something instead. There, now there’s a proper rant, an elitist and snowflakey one too, and you can have it for free. Peace and love, y’all.

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