St Gregory’s children learn about police in the community

St Gregory's children enjoy a visit from Kent Police

Kent Police enjoyed a special assignment when they visited St Gregory’s Catholic Primary in Margate.

Officers were welcomed by children and they chatted with youngsters from Reception class through to Year 6 as part of the school’s PSHE education (personal social health and economic education).

Pupils were excited to find out more about the important primary role of the force – keeping people safe.

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They learnt about the many and varied ways that officers achieve this and discovered what sort of equipment they use to help them in their jobs.

Children already know that they can call 999 in an emergency and ask for the police to help them, so it was exciting for them to talk with officers in person.

They also jumped at the chance to try on police hats and big yellow high-visibility jackets for size, as well as hopping inside a police van and explore the interior, as well as listening to the distinctive sirens.

During the visit the officers used displays to reinforce their messages. This included the Kent police pledge to ‘provide a high quality service delivered with absolute integrity; support and protect victims; and catch criminals and tackle crime’.

The visitors also highlighted Child Centred Policing which is ‘a holistic approach to ensure that every interaction with a child or young person is our opportunity to engage, teach, listen and safeguard’.

Reception class teacher Laura Wright is PSHE lead and Head of Early Years Foundation Studies at St Gregory’s. She said: “It was a fantastic opportunity for our children to find out more about the very important work that the officers undertake every day.

“It has inspired some pupils to want to be police officers when they grow up.”

Head Teacher Dave Walker said: “This was real treat for our school community. Our pupils learnt a great deal from their friendly chat with the officers that reinforced the importance of trusting and supporting our officers in their critical roles to keep us safe.

“Visits such as this into school not only enhance curriculum topics but they also are vital as they help broaden life learning skills.”