Ofsted praise for ‘unique’ Ramsgate Arts Primary

Praise for creativity at RAPS

Ramsgate Arts Primary – Thanet’s only dedicated specialist arts school – has won praise across the board from Ofsted  and retains its good grading from the education watchdog.

An excellent report highlights numerous impressive areas in the whole learning experience enjoyed by children and their families, delivered by dedicated, enthusiastic and professional staff.

Praise from parents is also featured in the Ofsted findings. The inspector particularly noted one specific enthusiastic comment is ‘representative of many.’ It cites a parent who firmly believes the arts curriculum offer is ‘unique in Thanet and is interlaced into learning. My daughter is thriving educationally and personally at RAPS’.

RAPS in the community

The school is part of the Viking Academy Trust and its Executive Head Teacher Michaela Lewis said: “This report shows a strong school that is thriving in so many important areas. It is very pleasing that Ofsted recognised RAPS as a unique school within our Trust offering a different type of education to the children in Thanet.

“Our Trust ethos of ‘getting better never stops’ continues to ensure the school builds on the successes highlighted during the inspection and it drives us to further enhance and improve the quality of education.

“We know that children have ‘one childhood, one chance’ and we are proud that we help and support all our pupils to thrive on an incredible enriching journey.”

Director of Education and Learning Kate Lewis believes the Trust partnership of RAPS, Upton Juniors and Chilton Primary is a huge benefit. She said: “It is very exciting to have the talents of three schools working in unison to benefit the RAPS community as well as each other across the Trust.”

The Ofsted inspection rates RAPS as a good school and Head of School Nick Budge praised the work, attitude, support and enthusiasm of children and families, staff and governors. He said: “We are a strong community team and everyone plays an important role in our success.

“RAPS opened seven years ago and it is a young and growing school. Ongoing developments including the opening a dedicated Year 6 hub are exciting and I look forward to working with families and community groups new and old to continue to deliver excellence for every child.”

The inspection highlights pupil pride in their ‘popular and growing school’. It points out that children are ‘friendly, curious, happy and polite’ and ‘appreciate the many opportunities they are given to develop their creativity and an understanding of where they live’.

The learning environment is ‘well organised, welcoming and respected by pupils’, while the curriculum is ‘ambitious, well planned and broad with an extended arts curriculum offer. This is something the school rightly takes great pride in.’

RAPS is ‘ambitious for all pupils – and is inclusive and all pupils have the same opportunities’ and the children ‘enjoy learning, and particularly value the arts curriculum’.

RAPS radio

The inspector judged that ‘staff know pupils and the community well. They care deeply for them. The personal development curriculum is a real strength of the school’.

The report adds that the school has high aspirations for pupils and wants them to be well prepared for their next steps.

Staff and governors are praised: ‘Staff are dedicated, proud to work at the school and see themselves as a team. Leaders manage workload and well-being with care’.

‘Governors use their expertise well and are committed to provide effective support and challenge.’

For areas of improvement the report says: “The school needs to continue its work to ensure that the curriculum is fully embedded from early years onwards so that pupils achieve highly.”