Government funding of £217,995 for Ramsgate Leisure Centre in addition to £162k for Hartsdown

Ramsgate pool (Photo Your Leisure)

Thanet council has been awarded  £217,995 for Ramsgate Leisure Centre from a £20m government fund.

This is in addition to £162,566 received from the fund for Hartsdown pool.

Thanet is one of 103 local authorities to benefit from The Swimming Pool Support Fund.

The central Government funding is aimed to keeping pools afloat in response to increased operating costs.

The Swimming Pool Support Fund was announced at the March Budget to support facilities with swimming pools. This first £20 million of funding is going to the swimming pools and leisure centres most at risk of closure or significant service reduction, and will be used to help with the recent rise in energy costs, such as paying towards immediate maintenance costs, heating and pool chemicals.

The total award of £380,561 funding will be used to help support maintenance costs, heating and pool chemicals.

Cllr Ruth Duckworth, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Property at Thanet District Council, said: “Swimming is a valuable life skill for people of all ages. It is important for personal safety, and this is especially true for us in our coastal location. As a dedicated sea swimmer, I know just how positive swimming is for our physical and mental health and our wellbeing. Swimming pools offer a fantastic opportunity for everyone to benefit, all year round.”

Sport England’s Director of Place, Lisa Dodd-Mayne said “We know just how vital swimming pools and leisure centres are to our nation’s activity levels, which is why Sport England is proud to have played a central role in the delivery of this fund.

“Many pools have faced a real and significant threat to their survival this year, as local authorities and operators battle the challenge of increased energy and maintenance costs, weakened reserves and difficulties with retaining staff.

“This announcement is an important moment in time, but is by no means the end of the work facing us or the support available as we continue to work with our partners to ensure the long-term viability of these vital community resources.”

Thanet council has also submitted a bid for the next phase of funding to improve the energy efficiency of both leisure centres.

Both pools are operated by Your Leisure.

Thanet receives £162k funding to keep Hartsdown pool ‘afloat’