Northdown’s ACE Artisans celebrate new space-themed exhibition

Space art at Northdown Primary

Northdown Primary School’s ACE team have been busy this term setting up a space-themed art exhibition. Entries were sought from across the school that showcased the Margate pupils’ artistic  interpretation of all things space related.

ACE is an initiative that aims to provide A Champion for Every Child. It sees pupils paired with a member of the staff ACE team who helps them navigate those challenges to education, whether that be in or out of school.

Sam Glynn, the ACE Mentor leading the art project, explained the idea behind it: “Our third art exhibition was held at the end of term to showcase the creative talent of our children at Northdown Primary School.  It has lifted aspirations through the ACE project.  Entries include rockets, the moon, our solar system, planets and aliens.”

The imaginative entries were put on display in school before parents were invited in to view the collection.

David Read, ACE Lead, said “It was great to see the children embracing different media to express their artistic sides. Seeing parents share the experience of visiting the exhibition with their children was very rewarding for the young artists.”

More information can be found at