Ellington Infants’ food donations for Harvest celebration

Harvest donations at Ellington Infant School

Children of Ellington Infant School have shown their community spirit this week, by amassing an enormous collection of food donations for their Harvest celebrations.

Celebrations such as these are important to the school, which counts ‘Community’ as one of its core values. As a school, Ellington is in the heart of its local community, and tries hard to be an active and positive member.

Families generously donated various foods which will be given to local charitable organisations to go to those in need.

All of the children sat through a special assembly which celebrated the idea of Harvest and explained the concept of giving and being charitable.

Ellington Infant School headteacher Adnan Ahmet

Headteacher Adnan Ahmet said: “Bearing in mind we are a small school with fewer than 150 children, the volume of donations was incredible.

“Our parents, carers and children have really shown the value of community is lived and breathed throughout the school. As always, thanks go to the school staff who helped to organise the collection, and to our families for giving so generously.

“We hope that our donations go some way to supporting local people in these difficult economic times.”