Westgate rapper Po3tic Justice releases debut album

Danny Waters performs under the name Po3tic Justice

A Westgate rapper has released his debut album which charts life experiences from being abandoned as a baby by his mum to drug addiction and time in prison.

Danny Waters, who uses the stage name Po3tic Justice, recorded his first EP last year and has now released album Dope Boy LP.

The 29-year-old, who has been writing songs since he was eight, says the album charts life experiences including the positives such as his three children.

In 2015 Danny was released from prison after serving a sentence for assault.

During his sentence he returned to writing music, something he had given up due to a “toxic relationship,”

Leaving prison behind, Danny now works as a collection and delivery member for Pilgrims Hospices and has been gigging and producing music.

Danny said: “I recorded the album at Pie Factory Music. I first went there as a youth to keep out of trouble and fell in love with music even more.

“In the album I talk about personal life experiences, negative and positive. I talk about my children and I talk about things that people can relate to.

“I was abandoned by my mum when I was six weeks old and one track is Dear Mum. She took me to the hospital and left me there. My dad’s family was called and came and got me and I stayed at my nans for a couple of years and then my dad raised me.

“I met my mum when I was 21 but she was still quite bad. I had heard about her and realised I had 8 or 9 siblings that had all be taken from her, which was a bit of a shock. I decided it was best not to see her gain.

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“I talk about drug addition that I went through, relationship issues and time in prison.

“It was in prison that I began writing again, it gave me a form of expression and a way of dealing with what I was going through.”

Dope Boy has ten tracks and Danny is now working on new material.

He said: “I am just enjoying the music and I am glad that I have the ability to do it. I want people to listen to it and relate to it.”

Dope Boy LP from  Po3tic Justice can be found on all digital platforms.

Find the album at https://music.apple.com/gb/album/dope-boy/1706730100