Nostalgia author Nick Evans to hold new book signing event in Ramsgate

The latest book from Nick Evans

Local author Nick Evans will be in Ramsgate this Saturday (7 October) to sign copies for anyone buying his latest book A Fashionable Place – Stories From Ramsgate.

Independent book store Book Bodega, in Harbour Street, will host the occasion between 11am and 12.30pm when Nick will happily apply his moniker and chat about the book’s contents.

It’s the latest in a series of nostalgia books Nick has written about Thanet in the past three years and it charts Ramsgate’s development during the 19th century, to reinventing itself as a fashionable resort, alongside more familiar subjects such as town centre shops and life along the foreshore.  An extended section recalls the days of Hoverlloyd and the international hoverport at Pegwell Bay.

Many of the 100 plus photos for the book have been sourced from the Sunbeam Photography collection, held by Thanet District Council, and are being displayed in many cases, for the first time in more than half a century.

VW Beetle cars outside the Classic (formerly Odeon) Cinema for promotion of Disney’s Love Bug film. King Street, Ramsgate, 1969. ©Thanet District Council SEAS Heritage Collection

Nick said: “I’m looking forward to meeting readers at Book Bodega on Saturday. I’ll also be able to sign copies people have already bought while I’m there.

“I’ve tried to find a happy balance between well remembered subjects while including plenty of material about others which have faded from the memory.”

If you can’t get along on to the event, copies of A Fashionable Place – Stories From Ramsgate are also on sale at Ramsgate Tunnels on the seafront; Michael’s Bookshop in King Street; Westgate Galleria, Station Road, Westgate, and No3 Cards & Gifts in York Street, Broadstairs. The landscape A5 book consists of 96 pages and costs £12.

The book can be purchased online via the books section of where a charge will be added for postage and packing.