Priory infant children celebrate National Fitness Day

Fitness fun at Priory

Priory Infant School children have been focusing their attention on National Fitness Day.

All children participated in ‘10@10’, which involved going outside and getting involved in a variety of fitness activities at 10am for a minimum of 10 minutes.

During playtimes the children engaged in a range of adult-led physical games to get them active and having fun. In the afternoon, the whole school went back outside and completed circuits of the school grounds, travelling in any way they wanted.

Not only did the children demonstrate physical fitness throughout the day, but they also took part in discussions to highlight ways of keeping fit, why fitness is important, how much physical activity we should do, how we can stay healthy and what positive changes we can make in our lives.

Many of the children realised how much fun being active can be and that it can improve their concentration in the class. The children and staff had a fantastic day which will hopefully have a positive impact on their daily lives.

PE teacher Mr Holmes said: ‘’It was incredible to see so many children having fun and being active.’’