Residents urged to vote in Broadstairs & St Peter’s 2nd edition Neighbourhood Plan referendum

Broadstairs Photo Andy Hillier

The Broadstairs & St Peter’s second edition Neighbourhood Development Plan is going to referendum on October 26.

Residents will soon receive voting cards from Thanet District Council.

A Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is a type of planning document, introduced in the Localism Act 2011, which allows local people to have a say in the future growth and development of their community.

Neighbourhood planning gives communities and residents the power to develop a shared vision for their area.

The Broadstairs & St Peter’s NDP sets out policies with the aim of preserving the unique characteristics of the area, while welcoming improvements and change that will ensure the vibrancy and sustainability of the community and environment.

Broadstairs & St Peter’s current NDP became part of the Local Plan for the Thanet Area in June 2021, following a public referendum. This first edition of the NDP had a plan period spanning 2018 to 2031 with the aim of reviewing it every 5 years.

The 1st Edition of the NDP will remain in place until formally replaced by the 2nd Edition, which will cover the period up to and including 2040.

The new 2nd Edition NDP has been prepared following public consultation, which was undertaken in April 2021, and consultation on a pre-submission draft plan which was undertaken in July 2022. The creation of the new plan has included the production of several new and updated background documents.

The Broadstairs & St Peter’s 2nd Edition Neighbourhood Development Plan helps to decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area and gives the community a voice in the planning process. This could be anything from protecting local green spaces from development to preserving local heritage and community assets.

The NDP covers areas including:

  •  Climate Change and Sustainability
  •  Biodiversity
  •  Environment
  •  Green Wedge
  • Trees
  • Community Facilities and projects
  • Conservation Areas
  •  Heritage Assets
  •  High Streets and Shopping Areas
  • Employment Development
  • Tourism
  • Health and Wellbeing

The question which will be asked in the referendum is ‘Do you want Thanet District Council to use the neighbourhood plan review for Broadstairs & St Peters to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’

Everyone aged 18 and above has a right to vote

Find out more about the 2nd Broadstairs & St Peter’s NDP here




  1. I don’t understand the question. If the NDP exists, and I assume it already does, why is it not already considered by TDC planning? What’s the point if it’s not?

    • It’s a mystery to me – we went to Pirremont Hall to ask if they had more info’ – they said it was the law that it had to be submitted to the voters before it could be recommended to TDC – it makes no sense

  2. We are having a #referendum – this new fresh hell seems to be a clever (but expensive) way to get everybody to share the blame for for a bunch of wishful thinking. Rather than getting on with their job, the councilors have just published a meaningless 90 page document asking us to vote

    “Do you want to do good stuff?” Yeah or Nah!

    “Did Magna Carta die in vain?”

    Duh – Is this a new thing?

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