Seal pup on way to rehab centre after being rescued by BDMLR medics in Margate

The seal pup is now on its way to RSPCA Mallydams centre Photo Steven Collis

A seal pup is on its way to RSPCA Mallydams after being rescued by BDMLR (British Divers Marine Life Rescue) medics last night (August 17).

The volunteer medics were called to the beach behind Turner Contemporary in Margate at 6pm after the pup was spotted.

Photo Steven Collis

Medics waited to see if the pup would take itself back into the water but when it didn’t they checked it over and found it was underweight with small injuries around its mouth.

BDMLR medic Sheila Stone said: “BDMLR medics were called to the beach behind the turner centre at about 6 pm last night to do a seal check on a small common seal pup on the sea wall.

Photo Steven Collis

“Medics waited for the tide to drop so they could observe the seal and see if it would take itself back to the sea. When it didn’t, medics lifted it and did an interim medical check.

“It only weighed 11kgs in the seal bag and had small abrasions around its mouth. It was decided to remove it for overnight rehab and then to the vets in the morning.

Photo Steven Collis

“It is now on its way to RSPCA Mallydams near Hastings where it will be rehabilitated and released when it reaches approximately 35kgs.”

During the rescue operation medics were approached by Margate artist Tracey Emin who had been out for a swim.

Tracey Emin checks the seal Photo Saara Santanen (BDMLR medic)

Sheila said: “While on the beach Tracy Emin approached and had a long conversation about the charity that we volunteer for.”

Every year, BDMLR trains over 1000 volunteer Marine Mammal Medics.

Anyone who spots a seal or cetacean can call BDMLR who will send a medic out to assess. Please and keep all dogs away and do not try to put the seal back into the sea.

Call BDMLR on 01825 765546