Plans to convert The Royal pub to commercial unit and create new flats to be discussed by councillors

Architect image (before amendments) by Lee Evans Partnership

Plans to change The Royal, on Ramsgate’s harbourfront, from the existing pub by demolishing part of the building and then creating a commercial unit plus a new build with eight apartments are to be discussed by Thanet councillors.

Plans for the site were lodged with Thanet council by Mr Copland in June 2022.

Applicant Jamie Copland wants to demolish part of the existing building and erect a five-storey side extension with recessed balconies, single storey roof extension and roof terrace. He also wants to add a new three-storey building to rear to provide 8 apartments  and rearrange two existing apartments and reduce the scale of the current commercial unit housing The Royal pub.

The application proposes a change of use on the ground floor from the pub to commercial, business and service. The application says the loss of the community facility will be lessened due to 10 other pubs/bars operating in the immediate area.

It also says pubs and bars have been severely affected since the opening of the Royal Victoria Pavilion which attracts the bulk of local trade due to competitive prices. The agent shows a drop in turnover from 2018-2021.

These cite a fall in profits of 15% in 2018 compared to the previous year and continued year on year drops of a further 17% in 2019, 34% in 2020 (covid lockdowns) and 12% in 2021.

Documents from Lee Evans Partnership on behalf of Mr Copland say: “The site offers an opportunity for a bold landmark scheme that will create a statement, enhance the urban fabric and act as a catalyst for further regeneration for its location.

“Whilst the building has some historic relevance, it has been subject to minor changes over the years that it is submitted have negatively impacted its character and appearance, and thus the contribution it makes to this key local setting. It has also begun to appear tired due to lack of investment and upkeep recently.

“A new lease of life would benefit the site and historic frontage here and also encourage long-term occupation and upkeep, both of which are under threat.”

The five storey extension is proposed to the Harbour Parade frontage between the main building of The Royal and the adjoining building; no. 50 Harbour Parade (Royal Sailors Rest; Grade II listed).

Amended image (Lee Evans Partnership)

An amended application has reduced the height and setback from the existing building line established by the listed property.

Despite amendments  Ramsgate Town Council says it continues to object to the scheme, branding it: “bulky, obtrusive, out of character with the conservation area, and not in keeping with the street scene.”

Ramsgate Heritage and Design Forum says it supports the contemporary approach but there are concerns of “overbearing massing to penthouse.”

The building sits within the Ramsgate Conservation Area.

The application has been referred to the Planning Committee by Cllr Tricia Austin, due to concerns of overdevelopment.

Cllr Austin (pictured) said: “I’ve called this application in to the planning committee because I and other Ramsgate councillors have concerns about overdevelopment in this key location.

“We strongly support the creation of more accommodation in the town centre, but believe the proposed roofline is still too high and the design would be obtrusive on our historic seafront, adversely affecting the street scene.

“We would like to see the applicant think again about the number of units and design of the scheme, to harmonise better with the existing listed buildings and surrounding conservation area.”

Councillors are being recommended to defer approval to officers on completion of a developer contribution agreement.

Brownfield development

The Royal in Ramsgate

The case officer says the development would be a modest contribution to the isle’s housing need, on brownfield land, and would provide temporary economic benefits from the construction of the extensions to the building.

They add: “Whilst the application would see the loss of a community facility it is considered that there are a number of other public houses and community facilities in the local area not to undermine the ability of the community to meet its day to day needs.

“The proposed extensions are contemporary in nature and are a contrast to the existing style of the building and it is clear from their appearance that they are additions. The scale of these additions would sit comfortably with the existing building.

“On balance it is considered that the extensions in their reduced form would not compete with the significance of the adjoining listed buildings the Royal Sailors Rest in the Ramsgate Conservation Area, although it is acknowledged that there will be some harm to the setting of the listed building although not substantial.

“The applicant’s agent has submitted a draft unilateral undertaking to seek to secure the mitigation for the impact of additional residential accommodation, which would be required to be completed prior to the grant of permission should Members resolve to approve the application..

“On balance, it is therefore considered that there are notable benefits to the development through the provision of additional housing on a brownfield site within the town centre. Whilst there is harm resulting from the development upon the designated heritage assets including the setting of the conservation area and the adjacent Grade II listed building, this has been minimised through amended design, and these would not outweigh the benefits from the scheme.”

The Royal is being sold by Thorley Taverns but the sale is yet to be completed.

The application will be discussed at a meeting on August 16.