End of year showcase to open at The Margate School

Sightlines: Works by Sam Cannon

An end of year showcase opens at The Margate School this Friday (August 11).

Sightlines exhibits work by this year’s Visual Communication students and examines the seaside as a place for pleasure and therapy, through light, colour and perspective.

During a year-long course with modules in Visual Language, Typography and Image, the students have explored the links between society and nature at the seaside, through the lens of design. The showcase is the culmination of that process and includes flat colour prints, moving image displays, installations and unique twists on classic seaside motifs.

Sightlines opens at The Margate School on Friday evening and then runs from August 12-17, 10am to 4pm.

Join students and others to celebrate the opening of the show and the Margate Festival of Design, from 6pm to 8pm on Friday.

Sightlines forms part of this year’s Margate Festival of Design. Visit www.margatefestivalofdesign.com to view the full programme of events and workshops.

The exhibition is sponsored by Guest House No 42 and supported by KCC Combined Members Grant funding.

Applications open for 2023/4 courses at The Margate School

Applications are now open for the next one-year, part-time Visual Communication Course, starting in October 2023. For more information about this and the other courses starting in Autumn 2023 visit: www.themargateschool.com