Broadstairs Millennium Beacon back in place after storm damage repairs

Going back in place

Residents of Broadstairs awoke to the return of a familiar sight last Thursday morning as the Millennium Beacon was returned to its prominent location in Victoria Gardens.

Originally having been installed by Broadstairs and St Peter’s Town Council to commemorate the Millennium, the beacon was badly damaged in a storm and nearly blown off its mast in November 2022.

The Queen lit the National Millennium Beacon, followed by a string of beacons across the UK as the year 2000 was welcomed in. They were last lit for Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee on 2 June 2022.

It was removed to Broadstairs Metalcrafts for assessment and has since undergone extensive repairs and refurbishment.  Following months of preparation by Town Council officers and with co-operation from Thanet District Council the local landmark was finally returned to its rightful place.


  1. What about the pavilion on Margate main sands, been fenced off all summer, surly this has far greater historical significance and needed for visitors to sit and enjoy the surroundings!!!!

    • I think you mean the shelter in front of the station, as you say it’s really historic and yes certainly should be restored and the shelter top of Fort hill that’s boarded up , it’s a crime leaving it like that !

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