Teen production team launch trailer for second series of Xen’s Cooking

Contestants Alissa Taylor and Anise Mitchell with chef/restaurant owner Marc Campos

The young team behind an unusual cookery competition programme filmed in Ramsgate have launched a trailer for the second series.

Xen’s Cooking involves contestants with little to no cooking experience who go head to head to impress judges with dishes from around the world.

Series one, which aired in 2021 via a Youtube channel, featured Thanet Chatham & Clarendon students, former students, teachers and guest judge – Marc Campos from Ramsgate’s  Marc-Pierre’s Kitchen – behind and in front of the camera.

Filming takes place at the Buoy and Oyster, Margate

Now, thans to a successful fundraiser, the first official trailer and poster for the second season of Xen’s Cooking is available on the Xen’s Cooking YouTube channel and social accounts.

It was exclusively debuted to a live audience at Olby’s Creative Hub in Margate on Tuesday 18th July in an event where the cast and crew took the stage to discuss the upcoming season and answer questions from the audience, as well as give out signed posters to all attendees.

Q&A Panel at Olby’s

The new series introduces two new contestants to the kitchen, Alissa Taylor and Anise Mitchell, with Lennon Van Walwyk returning to host.

This season, the contestants take on a real restaurant in the finale, catering for a fully booked evening of customers.

This episode takes place at Marc-Pierre’s Kitchen in Ramsgate where the girls cook under the supervision of owner Marc-Pierre Campos.


This allows the show to build on its theme of teaching young people how to cook by putting them in a high pressure environment to showcase what they have learnt over the course of the series.

Anise and Marc-Pierre

The rest of the season features a variety of notable people in the area as guest judges, who are being kept under wraps until their respective episodes release.

Anise and Lennon

The five-episode season, produced by Sid Britton, premieres its first show on August 25th. The remaining episodes will be released weekly on the Xen’s Cooking YouTube channel.

Filming takes place at Chatham House Grammar School

Director Jamie Pasha (formerly Jamie Brindle) is returning to direct all five episodes.

The small production team of 10-15 people are all aged 18/19 and most are former Chatham and Clarendon students.

Producer Sid Britton said: “This time we’ve gone a lot bigger but still within the local community – the finale of this season takes place at Marc-Pierre’s Kitchen in Ramsgate and features him in a prominent role.”

Find Xen’s Cooking series 1 here (be aware some swearing is included)

And find Xen’s Cooking on facebook here

Teenage production team behind Ramsgate cookery programme ready to start on series

Boom in business for Marc-Pierre’s Kitchen in Ramsgate following Taste of Kent Award