Artist’s first solo display of geometric works at Front Room Gallery

Work by Peter Rackley

A Margate artist is preparing for his first solo exhibition this month.

Peter Rackley, who specialises in geometric works, will show his latest pieces at the Front Room Gallery in Ramsgate from July 14-30.

The 41-year-old, who is originally from Liverpool, has always “been into drawing and doodling” but the gift of a geometry set changed his style of work.

Peter, who lives with husband Simon, is currently working on a 6ft artwork, dipping in and out of it over the past 10 weeks.

He said: “I’m colour blind so it can be quite difficult. I can see the colours but they are mixed up so I need clear names on my pens.

“I’m showing lots of work of my exploration of geometry. I like the repetition and when I am drawing it is nice to get lost in it and find focus in it.

“It is my first solo exhibition. Because I work so hard at it I wanted to put on my own show with bigger wall space (than previous shared exhibitions).

“Phil, who runs the Front Room Gallery, has been amazing and so supportive and helped me organise it.”

Peter says people visiting the exhibition will also be able to see him at work, creating new pieces, and there is scope to hold a few classes for people and their children.

He said: “I’m running it so I will be there all through the three weeks so people will be able to see me drawing and working on pieces.”

Line and Form is at the Front Room Gallery, Bellevue Road, Ramsgate from July 14-30

Open Thursday to Sunday, 11am-5pm. Opening night on July 14 from 7pm-9pm