Council shuts Ramsgate’s West Pier due to ‘anti-social’ behaviour and “tombstoning by youths”

Closure of the West Pier

Thanet council is closing part of the West Pier in Ramsgate Harbour from today (Friday 16 June) due to “anti-social and potentially criminal behaviour” in the area.

The council says groups of youths have been responsible for intimidating and dangerous behaviour and have been tombstoning – jumping into the sea from the East and West Piers close to moving vessels – putting their safety at risk.

There will be no impact on marina customers as the closure is beyond the marina access point on the pier, near to the Lighthouse.

A Thanet council statement says: “The closure of this part of the West Pier will be reviewed regularly but may remain in place until early September.

“There are no plans to close the East Pier in Ramsgate. Seasonal security staff will be deployed at the East Pier during the day throughout the summer season to talk to anyone behaving in an anti-social manner, and to educate members of the public on the risks to personal safety of tombstoning.

“Pedestrians will be permitted access to the East Pier, but larger groups may be restricted.

“Members of the public are advised that swimming is not permitted in Ramsgate Harbour and that tombstoning in any location is extremely dangerous.”