Opinion with Jeremy Kitt: How concerned should we be at the impact of Artificial Intelligence on our lives?

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Jeremy Kitt is a local author, radio presenter, web designer and SEO consultant based in Thanet

The release of a new generation of tools powered by Artificial intelligence (AI) has been met with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. AI can be used to answer questions, create copy, write essays, debug code and generate stories, among other things. There are concerns however, about the use of AI and how it will affect all of us.

For example, the introduction of new AI based tools has the potential to create job losses. How can we determine the quality of content generated by AI and can it be trusted? How can you tell if content has been written by a person or generated automatically? In this article, written by a person, by the way.

I attempt to answer some of these questions and examine how Artificial Intelligence is transforming online content and look at some of the implications of its use. AI is changing the ways in which we interact with web content; this includes everything from personalized search results to automated content creation. How concerned should we be about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on online content and the implications for all of us, for both businesses and consumers?

Web content is becoming more personal

One of the most significant ways in which AI is affecting web content is through increasing personalization. Algorithms can analyze a web user’s search history, their browsing habits, and other data to build a profile in order to provide more personalized search results and recommendations. An example of this is how Google’s search algorithm uses machine learning to understand the intent behind a user’s query and provide relevant results. Amazon does a similar thing using AI to suggest products that are more likely to be of interest to a particular customer. Personalization can improve the user experience and help businesses to better target their marketing efforts and increase conversions, however there are concerns over personal privacy.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Another way in which AI can affect web content is through the use of chatbots and virtual assistants. These tools, which are AI powered, enable businesses to provide 24/7 customer service and support, which helps improve customer satisfaction and reduces costs. Chatbots can also be used to generate leads, answer frequently asked questions, and even make sales. As chatbot technology continues to improve, they are becoming increasingly sophisticated, with the ability to understand natural language and respond to more complex queries.

ChatGPT and Automated Content Creation

AI has been be used to generate a wide range of online content, including news articles, web content, and social media posts. ChatGPT is an AI program which was developed by a company called “OpenAI.” ChatGPT’ provides an open prompt for users to ask questions using a language model which is considered to be one of the most important AI systems ever produced. The quality of the content it generates makes it difficult to determine whether it has been written by a human or not. This can save businesses time and resources, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their operations. However, it also raises concerns about the authenticity and accuracy of the content that has been generated.

Concerns about the accuracy of ChatGPT and AI-Generated content

The accuracy of the content generated by ChatGPT will vary depending on the context and the specific question or prompt. The potential exists for AI-generated content to be used to spread false information or propaganda. ChatGPT  uses a machine learning model that may make mistakes or generate responses that are not entirely accurate or appropriate.  The AI algorithms are trained using large datasets of existing content which is then used to generate new content. The quality of the generated content is determined by the quality of the dataset that has been used to train the AI. Since the AI is not human it has no way of judging the impartiality or factual accuracy of the original dataset.   False information which has been deliberately designed to influence public opinion or disseminate misinformation can easily be spread by AI-generated content in this way. It is important that businesses and consumers are aware of this potential and take steps to verify the authenticity of any AI-generated content they encounter.

Where does ChatGPT get its information from?

ChatGPT is trained on a collection of web pages, articles, and books that were scraped from the internet. The dataset which is called WebText contains a range of news articles, Wikipedia pages, fiction and non-fiction books, and more and contains around 570GB of text. ChatGPT has only been trained on data up until 2021 so currently is unable to provide news or information on any event after that date.

How can you tell whether content had been written by a person of generated using AI?

The quality of the content created by AI is now so high that it can be extremely difficult to determine how it was created. However according to ChatGPT itself there are five ways in which you can tell if text has been generated by ChatGPT or a human which include fluency, originality, topic knowledge, writing style and  the quality of grammar and punctuation. Fortunately there are a number of online tools available that can detect AI generated content such as:

Content At Scale


Writer.com: AI Content Detector

Hugging Face

Kazan SEO


CopyLeaks AI Content Detector

Although no two AI detection tools are the same. You may find that one tool is absolutely reliable and accurate whereas another may not be.

Can Google detect AI-Generated content?

Yes it can. Caution should be exercised in using automated content on your website since Google considers AI-Generated content to be spam which can have a negative effect on your site’s SEO. It has also recently launched a code Red after the massive popularity of ChatGPT and also announced its commitment to continue developing AI detection tools.

Will ChatGPT replace Google as a search engine?

Google Search is a search engine while ChatGPT is a language generation model, although it can assist in generating text and answering questions, it has not been designed to index or organize the internet like Google.  However, in the future, AI-based search engines may use models like ChatGPT as a part of their search results generation process.

Concerns about AI-Generated content and employment

Another area of concern is the potential for AI-generated content to replace human jobs. As AI-powered tools become more sophisticated, they may be able to produce content that is indistinguishable from that created by humans. This could lead to the replacement of people by AI tools, particularly in areas such as ‘content creation’ ‘customer service’ and ‘data entry’. Although AI will change the scope of human jobs  due to increasing levels automation and autonomy, the potential exists for the development of new jobs requiring new AI-related skills.

Despite these concerns, the impact of AI on web content is largely positive. Personalization and automation can improve the user experience and make it easier for businesses to create and distribute content. However, it is important for businesses and consumers to be aware of the potential downsides of AI-generated content and take steps to ensure that the content they encounter is authentic and accurate.

In conclusion, AI is having a significant impact on the way we interact with web content. Personalization, chatbots, and automated content creation are just a few examples of how AI is transforming the way we consume and create information on the internet. While there are concerns about the authenticity and accuracy of AI-generated content, and the potential for it to replace human jobs, the overall impact of AI on web content is positive. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more ways in which it is changing the way we interact with the internet.