A plea to Help Find Piglet is being made by a Ramsgate mum after her four-year-old daughter lost her life-long comfort toy this week.
Emmy Hamill says daughter Bella had Piglet when they were at Westwood Cross, by Next, on Tuesday (December 13) at about 3pm but when they arrived home the toy was nowhere to be seen.
Bella has had Piglet since birth after her nan bought the toy from a charity shop.
Emmy, who is also mum to five-year-old Ruben, said: “Piglet normally goes everywhere with Bella so she has had a rough few days and has had a bit of upset.
“We do have a spare but it’s just not the same.
“I remember seeing him when we were at Westwood Cross and there was an update yesterday when a lady saw it on Newington Road outside Pizza Go Go on the bollard. The lady went back to see if it was still there but it wasn’t.”
Emmy says a Piglet search has taken place with bins and gardens being checked. The family live in Newington so Piglet seems to have almost made it home but got dropped along the way.
The mum is now offering a £50 reward to anyone who gets Piglet home for Christmas.
The 26-year-old said: “I thought (a reward) might motivate people. It has been really nice to see how everybody has got together to try and help. Even in Sainsburys the cleaners have been asked to keep an eye out for Piglet.
“We would really like to get him home for Christmas.”
If you know where Piglet is email us at [email protected]
How is this a news worthy story? Looking at the state of it, if it was found it would have been put straight in the bin.
Because people might be able to make a little girl happy, why shouldn’t we help with that?
Slow News Day What a dreadful comment to make Thanks Kathy for bringing it to our attention
Come on people, this is an emergency! Form search parties, and find Piglet, a little girls future happiness depends on it!
I saw several piglet look-a-likes last time I was on the Loop.