Southern Water will be holding an information evening in Ramsgate this month.
The event will be held at the Comfort Inn, Victoria Parade, on December 12 from 6pm to 8pm.
The company’s Taskforce team will share details of plans to reduce storm releases and tackle flooding and work on this in Margate, Deal and Swalecliffe.
In a letter to residents Southern Water says: “We have numerous intervention schemes being developed which aim to manage surface water run off more sustainably as well as preventing or slowing down rainwater from entering our sewer network during periods of heavy rainfall.
“The sewer system can become overwhelmed with the influx of storm water which unless its slowed down, therefore increases the risk of flooding issues.
“To combat this, we have started work on a range of intervention schemes.
Slow the Flow – installing residential water butts and commercial planters.
Developing ‘Sustainable Drainage’ on large green spaces, highways, and verges as well a tree pitts and rain gardens.
Pumping Station and our ongoing project at on the control philosophy which will improve pump performance and monitoring to maximise the Pumping Station efficiency.”
The drop-in will give people a chance to talk with some members of the Southern Water Task Force Team, meet contractors supporting the programme and give views.
There will also be an update on the Beach Buoy tool and water quality and details of the work of Rescue2, who are completing connectivity surveys on rainwater going to a combined or foul sewer.
County Councillor Karen Constantine, who has been working with campaign group SOS Ramsgate, said: “I’m delighted that Southern Water is holding a public meeting – at long last. I have been calling for this for many, many months as have others. I hope that this meeting will at last address our deeply held concerns regarding sewerage in our sea.
“I also want to know the dates of when training for water testing kits will take place and when these kits will be available.
“I’m also seeking a full update on Southern Water’s public commitment to the formation of a community stakeholders group. I know many ordinary citizens, swimmers, sea bathers, beach users and businesses want to be able to feel fully confident in Southern Waters progress to this commitment.”
Ramsgate SOS – Save Our Seas, residents and politicians will be meeting at Churchills Pub on the Paragon, Ramsgate, on Monday 5th December from 6pm – 7pm to discuss the Southern water issues. All are welcome.
Thanet Coastal Stakeholder Group
A Thanet Coastal Stakeholder Group is being created to bring together representatives from Thanet District Council and organisations and individuals from across Thanet, with partner agencies including Southern Water and the Environment Agency.
The purpose of the group is to provide a forum to share information on initiatives and activities focussed on the Thanet coast, to support the tourism industry, enhance and protect the environment and strengthen local partnerships. Meetings will be held quarterly, via Microsoft Teams.
A maximum of one representative from each group is invited to attend, due to space and to maintain a balance.
Anyone who would like to register interest in joining the group must complete the form by Friday 16 December 2022. Find the form here
The first meeting will be held in January 2023, and meeting invitations will be sent out by email.
Would it make it easier for Southern Water if everyone who they supply water to, took there daily dump in the sea or a river. Then it would save them the bother of pumping it out to sea.
We have to think of the poor shareholders that will suffer if they upgrade the water system to cope with modern day population and living. Best to divert all the money that should be used for upgrading the system into the pockets of the shareholders.
1. You pay us for the supply of water.
2. We dump sewage into it-even during summer when we don’t need to, or as we admitted in court sometimes just to save money.
3. You & the low wage staff we employ to answer your calls pay for any fines we then incur in court via price hikes & sackings.
4. The bosses & shareholders get their pay increases & bonuses regardless, or at worst a golden handshake while we bring in a new guy for whitewashing purposes to carry on as usual, while pretending we are changing.
Any questions then?
no doubt there will be some world class liars there to bullsh*t the public
Will they inform us:
A) How much they bung to their shareholders;
B) How much they spend on fixing the infrastructure?
Those wanting southern water to drastically improve their service including myself. Should work proactively with southern water to reach their goals.
It will mean southern water customers having to contribute some cash for the upgrades, Upgrades to sewage outfalls in another water company area are in progress and the customers pay an additional annual surcharge.
During the recent heavy rain falls, so much water from road drains was easily seen being discharged via pipes through the harbour wall, was worried the arts barge would fill up with rain water and sink.
Will there be free refreshments at the comfort inn ?
SW should be stripped of their contract. They are liars and cannot be trusted. They have put the health of thousands of citizens and sea life at risk by continually dumping untreated sewage into our coastal waters whilst stuffing the profits into their pockets. They are an utter disgrace, and a company clearly in bed with government.