Newington pupils help to create mini woodland

Newington pupils have been tree planting

Children from Newington Community Primary have been helping create a mini woodland near their school.

The environmental project with Thanet Council involved pupils from Year 5 learning how to properly plant out a series of young tree seedlings, known as whips, on Newington Green.

The initiative will provide a variety of native trees in order to replicate a natural habitat to support wildlife.

Teacher Anna Ditchburn said: “All the children had the most amazing fun learning about the different types of whips they were planting and were guided and educated well by the team from Thanet District Council.

“Our girls and boys were taught how to use a spade, trowel and mallet to plant the whips and took real ownership of these important plants. It was a joy to see.

“Many of the children who were involved in this activity use this area regularly and have said they’re excited to watch the whips’ progress and growth over the coming months and years. Even the children who didn’t think they would enjoy it came back to class with huge smiles on their faces.

“Thanks go to the district council for involving local children in such a wonderful initiative.”

The planting is linked to the Year 5 Geography topic ‘Where We Live’ and forms part of ongoing subject learning.

Becky Andrews, Deputy Head Teacher, said the school believes it is important for pupils to be engaged in projects that are beneficial to the area. She added: “As a community school, we are always looking for opportunities for our children to give back to the local environment.”