Invite to explore what’s on offer at Westbrook Bowls Club

Westbrook Bowls Club

Westbrook Bowls Club is hoping to welcome new members and offers a full winter programme of activities for members.

Although the bowling season ends in September, the club, based at Westcliff Gardens, offers carpet bowling and other activities off-season.

Westbrook Bowls Club, managed and operated by its members, was formed in 1935 and is affiliated to Bowls England and KCBA (Kent County Bowls Association).

The club, which has 6 rinks, is leased from Thanet District Council which owns the freehold.  In 2015 the club was granted planning permission to extend the club house and with the help of a grant from Sports England and The Lottery Fund this was carried out in 2016, enabling sports activities during the winter to be offered.

The grant paid for repaving at the front of the clubhouse and resurfacing around the green.

The outdoor bowls season runs from the end of April until the end of September and the club play friendly and league matches. Throughout the season there are friendly roll-ups for club members known as Umbrellas.  These take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon at 1.45pm for 2pm and last about 2 hours with a tea break halfway. The umbrellas are a good way for new members to start to learn about the game.

For beginners the club coach offers training sessions on Mondays from 2pm. The first three sessions are free.

Member Simone Breugem said: “We are a mixed club and play men’s, ladies and mixed friendly and competitive matches with clubs in the surrounding areas. In addition to these matches the club also run in house competitions which are played throughout the bowls season with the finals being played over a weekend mid September.

“During the year we hold fun days and charity days and these are noted on the notice board.

“We are happy to host for other institutions as well so if anyone belongs to other social clubs and bowls might be of interest let us know and we can organise a taster session. We have for example hosted a Brownies Scouts group.

On Tuesdays and Fridays the green will not be available until 11.30am due to the maintenance of the green.

“During the winter the club is open for our members for table tennis, carpet bowls, darts and cards.”

Winter activities programme, all start at 2pm:

Monday: Table tennis

Tuesday:  Darts, card games, board games

Wednesday:  Carpet Bowling

Friday:  Carpet Bowling

Coffee mornings on the first Saturday of the month 10am – noon

Westbrook Bowls Club AGM will take place on Wednesday 23rd November at 3pm in the clubhouse.

For more information contact:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Westbrook Bowls

Call: 07726924133 or alternatively on  07726924247