Curve Coffee Store opening means The Centre in Margate continues transformation

The opening of Curve coffee store and cafe means The Centre is now full

Curve Coffee Store cafe and brunch spot’s opening at The Centre in Margate this month marks a successful rejuvenation of The Centre with nearly all units now taken by traders.

The new improved kitchen at the 35-seat cafe, run by Curve Coffee Roasters, serves breakfast and brunch, with a seasonally changing menu, including cinnamon buns baked fresh every day, fried egg breakfast pretzel baps, grilled cheese sandwiches, seasonal salads and more.

Tereza Vertatova, co-founder and director of Curve Coffee Roasters which first opened its doors in the town in 2016, said: “We wanted to relocate our shop to bigger premises and be a little more central, with more foot traffic around.

“The Centre was particularly attractive as it’s recently become a bit of a hub with local independent businesses, many of whom we know and love. The location is great and being able to have outside seating is a big plus.

“We love our new space and our customers do, too. It’s been great to be neighbours with some great local business and there’s a buzzy, friendly atmosphere. We’ve had lots of very positive feedback from our regulars as well as new customers.”

Phil Murphy, asset manager at Evolve Estates, which owns and manages The Centre, said: “Attracting an established and successful local business as Curve Coffee Roasters to The Centre is a real testament to the hard work we’ve put in to invest and bring to life this now thriving shopping and leisure destination.”

In 2019 Evolve took over The Centre and agreed an investment programme to transform the neglected area into a bright, vibrant and creative space for shoppers and business owners.

Evolve worked with Sarah-Jane Cook, best known as SJ, from the previous Margate Superstore (now moved), to create a colourful scheme for The Centre and isle artist Jade Spranklen created a large mural at the site.

Evolve then split some of the large vacant units to make affordable work/studio and retail space on shorter rent leases.

Curve Coffee Roasters joins 17 other retailers, including Boots, Peacocks and Card Factory, Modern Provider bakery, music venue Elsewhere, plus UpMargate, the retail, pop-up and studio space for fledgling businesses, traders and artists.


  1. Certainly is a big difference to the centre Alrough it was not neglected as all shops were open and trading only beef I have with the owners they removed the statue that was outside peacocks and what did they do with the heritage seating that was around the area and it’s very dark in some areas easy for drug users and pushers
    There is room for better lighting. Especially the walkway from the centre into the high street near McDonald’s

    • Very good points. It’s a shame the statue has gone. I noticed plants there looking particularly neglected and unloved there recently.

  2. Good to see I wish them all well, Poundland took on the shop I managed and knocked it through to the centre, glad they are still there!

    • Poundland, The Works and the Old Bank Book Shop are pretty much the only shops I bother with when I very occasionally go to Margate. I generally prefer Broadstairs and Herne Bay (I love Ramsgate seafront, but not the shopping area!).

  3. Peter , How can you be a relevant author of popular music when you don’t even know of your nearest record shop,?
    Btw.You throwing insults my way isn’t a good look for your self publicity / self employment when you rely on Joe Public incl me buying any of your books .
    Put another way that you understand “ Why bite the hand that feeds you ? “.
    You might want to think about that before flying off rude messages and also your sexist comments about female Tory MPs .like you’ve regularly done on this platform

    • Chris, pleaseget a grip. I met you once for, what, 30 seconds? And I was on my way to do some shopping. I can barely remember what you even look like, let alone how old or young you are – and, more to the point, I don’t care. I meet people all the time, and quickly forget most of them.

  4. Oh dear ,oh dear ,oh dear , You really are in a little world of your own self pompous importance .
    I’m not referring to when I briefly and friendly said hello to you which you are unpleasantly trying to paint in a different light now .
    You’ve just shown yourself up as to how unpleasant you really are ,especially as I in that situation just said Hi to you as I’d bought one of your books but your over inflated ego gets the better of you doesn’t it !
    Well ,that ship has sailed and not coming back as I won’t buy another any more of your books after your online rudeness
    Shame really as I know a lot about music , and although my taste is broader than yours and I had tried to engage you in conversation before now about things music related but I’m wasting my time with you because you think you know it all , That’s called “ A know all “ isn’t it !
    Well you don’t ! And I can on regular basis see holes in your opinions about music which are lazy or inaccurate
    For somebody ( YOU ) who calls themselves a Full Time author , you do seem to be spending a heck of a lot of time DAILY leaving your opinion on this site ,which seriously makes one doubt that you are indeed working Full Time
    Any author “worth their salt” would keep a low profile apart from promoting their books at an appropriate time ,but you’re so full of yourself and your opinions and dreadful taste in music ,/ politics / un P.C comedy
    And Btw . You’re not a “local celebrity” as you like to describe yourself as
    That’s just you being a pompous ass again

  5. Whilst I am not an esteemed author of several musical tomes, I know a fair amount about music and applaud Elsewhere for their efforts to support live music. Ghost Papa, on the Northdown Rd, is also a great record store. Have you actually visited either? I don’t see how you can dismiss what they stock as not your type of music otherwise.

    • I’ve been in ‘Elsewhere’, and it definitely is NOT my kind of music. I’ve just googled ‘Ghost Papa’, and it looks unlikely that I’ll find any rare albums by 60s groups like the Dave Clark Five or Brian Poole and The Tremeloes, but I’ll check ’em out in person some time.

      Fact is, I love and specialse in music by “has beens” (as our resident pretend Rock Star so eloquently puts it), but each to their own, Amy. : )

  6. Back to the point. Curve Coffee is the best coffee in the area. I’m sure it will be a massive success.

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