Best Bar None scheme to reduce alcohol-related crime launched with Thanet licensees

Best Bar None scheme launches in Thanet

A scheme to reduce alcohol-related crime and make it safer for people going out to pubs and clubs has been launched in Thanet.

Mostly focused on Ramsgate, but with interest being registered in other isle areas, Best Bar None is an accreditation scheme supported by the Home Office and drinks industry aimed at improving standards in the evening and night time economy.

It was originally piloted in Manchester to recognise and reward responsible premises and to improve operating standards and is also being rolled out in other towns across Kent.

On May 3, officers from the Thanet Community Safety Unit, together with Thanet District Council, met with more than 30 licensees to launch the scheme.

By agreeing to join the scheme, publicans will work closely with police, council and other businesses to reduce crime and keep their communities safe. They must also be able to demonstrate their competency in four key areas – venue management, staff training and care, customer safety and welfare, and customer service and community.

During the launch, officers also spoke to those attending about other ways to keep the public safe, through already established initiatives, such as Pubwatch, Ask for Angela/Andrew and the work done to identify vulnerable people and reduce the risks of drink spiking.

District commander for Thanet, Chief Inspector Matthew Smith said: “Although the initial focus for Best Bar None will be in Ramsgate, we are already getting interest from other venues across the isle who want to join up.

“We have a busy and thriving night time economy and it’s heartening to see so many licensed premises keen to play their part in keeping Thanet safe by agreeing to work towards high standards and good practices at their venues.”


  1. Need CCTV operations back in all the main towns in Thanet, nip the crime first, before it escalates in to violence, robberies and any other crimes.
    If people know they are being monitored by CCTV, they are less inclined to commit a crime, CCTV is the best deterrent and would save the police and the other emergency services, time and money, which outweighs the cost of a 24/7 manned CCTV hub.

  2. “Mostly focused on Ramsgate”… Just avoid and let the feral knuckle draggers to it…

  3. Are those that have been drinking the problem or those that take advantage of the inebriated state of others, or mostlikely a bit of both. A bit of stop and search wouldn’t go amiss , if nothing more than to give those that carry knives the possibility that they might get caught, if they are it should be a mandatory 5 years.

  4. As usual the comments are fear of “project fear” the same people that claimed any negativity on Brexit or sensible Covid restrictions were “project fear” want the police to stop and search everyone and have cctv watching our every move.

    Haha freedoms what freedoms.

  5. Having police actually patrolling the street instead of lounging about in offices would help

  6. This new scheme is not necessary, there are already laws & acts in place that should have been used.
    Have the local plod forgot to do foot plodding, have tdc issued so many alcohol licenses without employing additional night time & day time street operatives to ensure the licensing act is adhered to every hour or the day ?

    So much footfall here for the wrong reasons.

    Funny old place thou, really hope no serious incidents are reported.

  7. Let’s hope the trouble is kept in one town , Broadstairs is the crime center of Thanet ,

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