Newgate Gap project launches coastal children and caregivers group

Newgate Gap project

The Newgate Gap artist project is launching FLINTS Coastal Permaculture Children and Caregivers Group.

The Newgate Gap is a project space cut into the chalk cliffs of the Newgate Gap causeway. The gallery has held numerous exhibitions including a rolling programme called ‘Invasive Species.’

The founders are now expanding to include the weekly beach club for children thanks to a start-up grant from The Emergence Foundation.

FLINTS is for children aged  from 0-5, and older siblings are welcome but an email in advance needs to be sent to [email protected]

The grant means entrance is free/pay what you can and in-person multilingual support is offered for most languages spoken in Margate.

The launch day is April 14 from 2pm-5pm and will include food and drink, basket making, coastal nature crafts, singing and dancing circle.

There will then be a group at 10am-noon every Thursday in term times at the tideline of Newgate Gap starting from April 21.

The way the workshops run will be inspired by the principles of the Permaculture movement, which looks at the way nature’s systems work and tries to imitate them, and the ideas of the Waldorf pre-school teaching system, which focuses on care.

Fiona Gauntlett from Canterbury’s toddler and parent group Brambles has helped develop the ideas. Helen Smith and Jo Barker, who many may know from Windmill Community Gardens, will be the weekly facilitators.

There will also be monthly offerings for parents and caregivers including workshops with trauma-informed practitioners and attachment parenting advocates; a luna calendar series of sharing circles; family constellation therapies; mensuration cycle group; Decolonized Non-Violent Communication offerings, providing extra support to the local community and offered in multiple languages.

Open Day details at

To book a session visit:


  1. “most languages spoken in Margate”……….. Says it all..
    @realworld. It’s probably a DFL grant grab… Like the GRARSE thing

    • Mensuration is a branch of Geometry, as to where the cycle bit comes in, I’m really not too sure! DI must say it doesn’t sound much like seaside fun as we used to know it!

        • Yep a bit odd for activities aimed at 0-5 year olds, equally the the “decolonised non violent communication offerings” might be lost on an audience more interested in eating dirt and doing palm/finger paintings. But hey things must have moved on since my nursery days.

  2. ‘The Newgate Gap is a ‘Project Space’ cut into the chalk cliffs at Newgate causway’. What on earth is that supposed to mean?
    I lived in Cliftonville for many years and this description of Newgate Gap doesn’t seem to describe the place I knew and loved, we always thought it was to give access to the beach. You live and learn…………….

    • Like you Jerry, I always thought it was access to the beach and used it for that purpose.
      I have lived in Cliftonville most of my life and really do not know what is going on here anymore.

  3. There will also be monthly offerings for parents and caregivers including workshops with trauma-informed practitioners and attachment parenting advocates; a luna calendar series of sharing circles; family constellation therapies; mensuration cycle group; Decolonized Non-Violent Communication offerings, providing extra support to the local community and offered in multiple languages.

    Is this an out take from an early version of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy? Or just plain straightforward weirdo drivel that no babelfish could ever turn into understandable english. Or is it a late april fools? Best chuckle since the Peoples Dem Collective were photo’d doing a Citizen Smith salute at the top of Athelstan Road.

    The world has gone full bonkers.

  4. Bringing life back to Newgate Gap, go for it, listen not to the haters ! I wonder is the pool still under the rocks through the old cafe venue ? Now that would be something worth re-opening for all !

    • We’re not “the haters”, we’re simply “the puzzled”.

      Perhaps you can explain (a) what everything means, and (b) the revelance to 0-5 year olds? I look forward to your reply.

      • Reply to Secret Planter
        Why dont you go and check it out, if you are that interested?
        Maybe you can also explain what all this drivel means?

    • As a mother and grandmother I dont think I have ever heard or read anything like this in my life.
      Can somebody please enlighten me to what it all means in everyday language?
      I showed the article to my daughter and son and they cant understand it either. Who on earth put this article together?

      • To be fair Ella, it is more the subject matter than my putting the article together. It was very hard to translate what the group was saying and if those are the things they say they are offering then it’s either leave that in or cut it altogether (which would end up with some very confused visitors if they arrived and then were asked if they were there for the ‘Decolonized Non-Violent Communication offerings’)

          • I would profer the alternative view that, whoever came up with this dire verbage is probably not as clever as they think are and most certainly have little understanding of their target demographic. Or they’ve become so besotted with the ultimate guide to political correctness that it’s addled their minds.

        • Kathy, I am not blaming you, because as you say you have to compose what is given to you and like Peter, I thought I had lost the plot!
          That is why I asked my son & daughter to read it.

          • Perhaps seeing what they do would be more informative for us. The beach fun for kids is nice and I’m sure the other bits are probably additional for parents/carers who want to get involved with that. It seems that it is a free – or donation if you can afford it – way of kids having a play and people from across different countries of origin being able to have a chat via translators. The wording was probably what was required on funding forms (at a guess).

          • What “a luna clendar series of sharing circles” is some sort of rune that gives access to funding? I do so hope the funding is not from the public purse. Or is the committee overseeing the doling out of funds consisting of catweazle, tabitha, zelda, the librarian and mrs ogg? Because they can’t possibly be in the same reality as mere mortals.

  5. How this group FLINTS can be taken seriously, is totally beyond me.
    I should think most people have no concept of what they are on about.

  6. I expect it may well be fun for kids, parents & carers, hope so.
    Feel sorry for the interpreters though, they’re going to need a long lie-down in a darkened room after wrestling with this new-speak.

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