St Laurence Junior Academy took part in #HelloYellow on Friday (October 8) to support work to raise vital funds for YoungMinds and World Mental Health Day.
If you had visited the school on the day, you would have seen neon socks, custard scarfs and banana hats – and that was just from the staff! Children were sporting yellow tutus, fluffy onesies and a variety of yellow ensembles. Their usual green was replaced by lemon, gold, citrine, canary, saffron, amber, mustard, flaxen and so much more…
St Laurence Juniors had a clear message. Young people are not alone with their mental health. Everyone struggles with how they are feeling but it’s the small things that make a difference. Saying #HelloYellow was a small thing they could do to make such a big difference.
The school council rounded off the day with a short talk in Collective Worship about young people’s mental health and wellbeing and why it has never been so important. The school council announced that with their generous fundraising they would be donating £76.31 to the charity.
School council head, Mrs Mountjoy, said: “What a fantastic effort from all the children and their parents. It was lovely to see everyone so engaged and wanting to make a difference in the lives of others. Our children continue to make us proud and show that they are global citizens.”