Public volunteering events with Dane Valley Woods group return after 18 months

The last Dane Valley Woods volunteer event in February 2020

Dane Valley Woods group is inviting residents to volunteer at the site to help maintain the woodland.

The Dane Valley Woods group is a volunteer-led project in Margate, growing and maintaining the 13 acre woodland on a former landfill site, for the enjoyment of the residents.

There were monthly action days prior to the pandemic but covid restrictions meant the group had to operate with a much reduced workforce.#

Now, after 18 months, they can finally resume the action days, inviting volunteers to maintain and improve the woods with help from residents.

The Sunday Wood Work days will be on the last Sunday of each month, except December, meeting at 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ, in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath.

The group say: “Our initial priority is to focus on our Recovery Plan : – helping the trees that have already been planted in recent years, as they need assistance to survive. We clear back growth from the fledgling saplings, and mulch them with woodchip from our stockpile.

“There are over 6,000 young trees in the woods, so plenty of helping hands are needed – cutting back and widening our network of paths through the site; allotment HQ maintenance, including weeding our tree nursery and trimming back the willow hedge.

“We meet 10am at the Dane Valley Woods HQ, in Dane Valley allotments at the end of St Peters Footpath or you can find us in the woods throughout the morning. We are easy to spot in our hi-viz yellow jackets!

The event is free and there is no need to book; no experience is necessary, and we provide all the tools required for the tasks. However please bring your own refreshments, work gloves if possible, wear a sturdy pair of shoes and come dressed for the weather. Long sleeves and trousers are advisable. All ages welcome, with under 16s to be accompanied by an adult.”

The first wood work action day is on Sunday, September 26.

Find the event page here