A Place In-Between at The Margate School for artist residency with Anka Dabrowska

Artist Anka Dabrowska

Artist Anka Dabrowska takes residency and exhibits “A Place In-Between” at The Margate School from this month until July.

Anka says she is a Warsaw born queer woman artist, living and working in London with a creative practice deeply rooted in drawing and the forming of numerous representations of urban environments. She creates sculptures and installations from found materials.

Anka uses the media of drawing, illustration, sculpture and installation art and focuses on studio practice, research, exhibiting and curating and works as an illustrator, commercially.

“A Place In-Between” is a project to celebrate and to reinforce connections in local communities, between parts of Margate, between land and sea, between “myself and my environment.” The heart of the project centres on working with diverse and new audiences  in some of the most deprived wards in the country through talk, interactive workshop, action research and an exhibition. With the focus on the School’s theme of art, society, nature, the impact of Covid-19, diversity and inclusion.

Anka said: “The new work will challenge my current practice in context, location and scale as well as due to the interaction with other artists form a diverse community and the direct/ indirect connection with The Margate School with a focus on the British seaside history from a perspective of an outsider: “myself, from elsewhere, living elsewhere.”

Anka will be working with two locations:

Arlington House, the 18-storey apartment block built in 1964 on the seafront and the 1920s Lido in Cliftonville.

The project focuses on the architecture, history, myths, stories from locals (old, new and transient) and what links the two locations.

Anka is inviting Margate residents to inform her new installation by sharing a story, memory, a fact, an idea, or a thought linked to your experience of living in Margate – with particular interest in Arlington House and Cliftonville Lido.

Contributions will be drawn together by Anka into a new audio-visual piece which will capture her perspective as an outsider “from elsewhere, living elsewhere.”

Please email your contributions to [email protected]

The project is supported by The Arts Council England, The Margate School and private Crowdfunding campaign.

Anka’s website: https://ankadabrowskaart.com/

The Margate School website: https://www.themargateschool.com/


  1. So glad my hard-earned taxes are going towards a grown women who wears a “Gays against Boris” T-shirt, makes it all worthwhile!

    • Agreed.

      What on earth has her being gay (or queer) got to do with (a) her “art work” and (b) her opposition to Boris ?

      Why does society have to put up with someone’s sexuality being in the forefront of everything they do or say ?

      Conversely, if I dare to mention someone’s sexuality – then I would be hounded and castigated . . .

      . . . and I am sure the floodgates of outrage will now be opened !

      • ps

        The model or sculpture made from scrap is exactly that – and looks as if it has been put together by a primary school class. Excellent work of collaboration from two dozen five year olds but a pretty poor example by somebody claiming to be an artist.

        Does she sell this stiff to make a living or is it funded from my taxes or some form of art grant charity ?

    • That’s excellent Peter, I’m glad you are pleased. Thanks for contributing your taxes to this wonderful project!!

      Big kiss and hug!

  2. The usual predictable drivel from grown men in the comments section. My four year old could probably write something a bit more inspired.

    • Khadija , you don’t sound very English to me! So maybe you need to go back somewhere too! You sound very racist !!!

      • Marc (not Mark??), I’m originally Indian. Racist? Ever heard of the caste system? You are only racist if you’re white.

  3. This could be an interesting idea giving voice to those usually ignored and connecting interesting locations .Arlington House as a building is a fabulous place to live despite the neglect by its managing agents Parson Sons and Basley and it’s billionaire landlord Freshwater . The lido like Ah still holds a strong fascination for many.

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