Moon Lane Children’s Books & Toys in Ramsgate, is one of the 410 independent bookshops to share in the £1million profit generated in just four months by
The book buying site empowers socially conscious shoppers to financially support independent bookshops when shopping online.
At a time when the majority of the UK’s bookshops have been forced to close their physical stores due to lockdown restrictions, by choosing book-buyers have generated over £1million in profit for the independent bookshops using the platform.
Moon Lane Children’s Books & Toys joined last November.
As of 4 February, 82 per cent of sales on Bookshop were generated by titles selling four or less copies each, and 54 per cent from titles selling a single copy, demonstrating how the platform helps draw attention to books beyond bestseller lists and celebrates diversity within the publishing ecosystem.
Nicci Rosengarten of Moon Lane Children’s Toys and Books said: “The income from commission and the profit share has been an absolute lifesaver. It was a mind-blowing new and unexpected development. Without the income from, staff would have to be furloughed or work voluntarily as they did during the first lockdown. Being able to work during lockdowns since has been live has ensured that Moon Lane has been able to continue its outreach work.” offers an ethical online marketplace that ensures independent bookshops receive 30 per cent of the cover price from each sale they generate on the platform.
Moon Lane Children’s Books & Toys opened in Addington Street in November 2019.
The shop stocks books and toys for children aged 0-12 years old and works closely with local schools for author/illustrator events, book fairs, and book supply as well as hosting Festivals of Fun at half-terms and during school holidays (pre-covid).
Moon Lane is the most delightful shop, run by the most fantastic people.
Fantastic news for a great local shop.