Young boy taken to London hospital following collision in Dane Valley

Emergency services

A young boy has been taken to a London hospital with serious injuries following a collision in Dane Valley Road today (January 10).

Police were called to Margate at 2.03pm to a report of a single vehicle collision where a vehicle was reported to have collided with a tree.

Officers are in attendance and one man has been arrested on suspicion of driving offences. He has been taken to a local hospital as a precaution.

A young boy, who was inside the vehicle, has been taken to a London hospital with serious injuries. Two male passers-by pulled the child from the vehicle.

A South East Coast Ambulance Service spokesman said: “Ambulance crews attended the scene and we were also assisted by the air ambulance service in a road vehicle (not the air ambulance). Both patients were assessed and treated at the scene before being taken to hospital locally and in the case of the child, to London.”

Road closures are currently in place and motorists should avoid the area. Dane Valley Road has been closed from Kent Road to Invicta Road.