A new podcast launched this month, Guerilla Science Presents, asks people with opposing views to find answers to problems facing the modern world.
Guerilla Science, who have made interactive installations for venues and staged events at festivals, want to change how people connect with science. And now they’re bringing their mission to the airwaves.
Guerilla Science Presents brings scientists, researchers, contemporary thinkers, and creative minds together every month to share their views and opinions on divisive topics. Each episode tackles one subject.
Hosts Rebecca Ellis, based in Margate, and Rachel Williams help listeners understand the science behind the debate, and get a fresh perspective of what we all think we know about life.
Episode 1 looked at how our sex lives have changed during the pandemic, speaking to both scientists and sex workers. Future episodes will address the facts and fiction around popular conspiracy theories, and consider how human behaviour and emotions are manipulated by algorithms.
You can find Guerilla Science Presents on Anchor FM every month at anchor.fm/guerillasciencepresents
For more information about Guerilla Science, visit www.guerillascience.org