Broadstairs dad facing second battle for life in three years urges “if you find a lump don’t ignore it”

Alistair, Gemma and their children are facing a second battle

“You can get cancer at any age, guys have got to check themselves and if they find a lump don’t ignore it,” says Broadstairs dad and holiday let business owner Alistair Baldwin who is facing his second battle for life in just three years.

The 32-year-old has to undergo major surgery on August 3 after doctors discovered two tumours either side of his neck which are crushing his windpipe. The tumours, one 60mm and the other 70mm, have to be removed or they will suffocate Alistair.

There is a risk that the procedure will damage his windpipe and leave the Holiday Lets in Kent boss unable to speak. Operating on a secondary tumour on his lung may also mean Alistair faces being on oxygen for the rest of his life.

But Alistair is incredibly positive and determined to beat the odds yet again, saying: “You have to just keep smiling. We have got to face this thing and get on and deal with it.”

Three years ago Alistair, who lives with wife Gemma, their children aged 12,10 and five and his mum Lorraine, was diagnosed with testicular cancer. The cancer had spread throughout his body, including his heart, neck abdomen and spine.

He said: “Last time we thought I might not come out of surgery. There were five major operations and four of those were back to back. The shortest was 10 hours, the longest 14 hours.

“I’d say if you find a lump get it checked. So many blokes think it will just go away and I was like that at first. The outcome could have been unthinkable.”

Alistair received the all clear in May this year but three weeks ago a trip to the doctors for a possible hernia led to the discovery of the tumours which are teratoma differentiated – aggressive growths.

Alistair said: “It is a by-product of the chemo last time, it is good cells in the wrong place.

“I feel fit and well but climbing the steps at Stone Bay yesterday I was struggling for breath.

“At the end of the day, if I hadn’t found it when I did and my wife had not pushed for scans, I would not be here.

“It is a black and white situation. My doctors at the Eastcliff surgery have been brilliant all through and again, without them, I would not be here.

“What I really want to come from this is raising awareness. If you find a lump act quickly. There is a two week cancer programme through your doctors called the Cancer Pathway. It means you will have scans and be seen by specialists within two weeks. I really want to make people aware of that, it means your doctor can move things along quickly.”

The Royal Marsden and Royal Brompton hospitals have pulled together four surgeons to carry out the operation next month. Due to the Covid restrictions visitors will not be allowed and Alistair has no real idea of how long he will be in for.

He said: “I had the all clear in May and now we are facing another battle. But the other option was to not have surgery which would mean I had just months, a year maximum, left. It was not an option.”

Alistair ready for his op first time around at the Royal Marsden

Alistair says he already owes a huge debt of gratitude to the NHS and the Eastcliff practice and already raised £8,000 for Macmillan Cancer Care through a sponsored headshave.

He said: “They did so much for us. The chemo unit that saved my life is there because of Macmillan, every bit of paperwork we had from the unit had Macmillan on it. I shaved off my hair, that I loved, as I was going to lose it from the chemo.”

Alistair said those people donating blood were vital, having had five life-saving transfusions himself.

One impact of the operation will be financial. Alistair’s business of 11 years has been shut due to the pandemic lockdown, losing all Spring trade income.

The firm’s 28 venues  are open for Summer but with the risks of a second spike the year’s bookings are uncertain.

Luckily Alistair has been able to furlough staff but as a company director on dividends, has not been eligible for any government grants himself.

Alistair at Karen’s wedding

Close family friend Karen Huckstep has launched a bid to help raise funds for the family as they go through this very difficult time.

On her fundraising page Karen says: “Alistair is a very loving, hands on fantastic father to his three young children. His wife Gemma is his rock and amazing with the dedication she shows to her family. At this difficult time they are all devastated.

“Alistair’s mum Lorraine  has also been amazing and is a tower of strength and support to them all and they also all live in the same home where she is there for them 24/7 without a second thought.

“We are trying to raise funds to support Alistair and his family through this very traumatic time and for them to be able to survive difficult times as Alistair is the main provider for the family  and even after this operation he will have to self-isolate for a further 14 weeks due to the risk of coronavirus.

“Any help we can give them for some stability and financial support would be so gratefully received and as he recovers for him to be able to enjoy and spend time with his  children and wife without worrying about everyday living expenses and how he is going to afford to be off work for so long.”

Alistair, Gemma, Lorraine and kids

Alistair said: “We aren’t on the breadline, we have a business and we are quite proud. If we do not need money raised I will donate it to a cancer charity. Karen has done this because she saw how we struggled last time when we had to uproot the family and move in with my mum. We never recovered financially from that really but we do have a great team of staff and we are now open for the season.

“We just have to be positive although Karen said we also have to be realistic and that is why she wants to help.”

Although Alistair admits the situation is frightening he says the family will face it together, adding: “Of course there are down days but you have to think positively, it is that mental attitude that will get us through. You have just got to smile and carry on.”

Find the fundraiser set up by Karen here

Get help

Macmillan Cancer Support offers emotional, physical and financial support throughout diagnosis, treatment and beyond.

Find the charity here


  1. Good luck Alistair. I had stage 3 rectal cancer 9 years ago and believe that half the battle is your attitude – I was never negative and always said I was going to beat it and was fortunate. I wish you and your family all the very best during these difficult times. Stay strong.

    • Morning,

      Wow that sounds like an awful time too, is that a rare type?

      I 100% Believe half the battle is done with your mind. As you well know you have your good days and your bad but you just have to smile and soldier on.

      Thankyou for sharing your story and wish you all the luck in the world.

  2. I am thinking of you and praying to the Angels to save your life Alistair. I am a eleven year survivor of a brain Tumour which was removed in 2009 but it recently re-appeared in my Peritoneum and Pelvis and Adrenal gland and other places i am also hoping to fight it but not sure if its possible. I am vouching for you and Good luck to you and Love to your dear family. Kind regards from Linda XX

    • Morning Linda,

      It’s incredible as I know the brain side of things can be ultra tricky. Thankyou for your comment and I wish you all the luck in beating it again. Just remember, the day is only as long as you want it to be, sleep often helps. Thankyou once agains

      • Best of luck to you Alistair.

        I think testicular cancer, thyroid cancer and colorectal cancer may have a higher incidence in Thanet.

        Sadly in 2009, when Health Protection Agency wanted to conduct epidemiology inquiry, nothing happened.

        The toxic hazards to health cyclohexanone, polychlorinated biphenyls and PFOA The last two are listed as persistent organic pollutants on United Nations Stockholm Convention. It looks like all 3 toxic hazards accessed Thanet water supply. PCBs are a colon cancer risk and PFOA a testicular cancer risk.

        I have reported to current expert inquiry qeqm maternity tragedies who, as a result, have scheduled research re PCBs and PFOA and whether to blood serum test which is something QEQM have never done. It would be a test for risk as nothing can be done about residual PFOA levels.

        I was “Dead” for half hour Dec 7th 1972. My ambulanceman dad giving CPR It was a medical accident prescribing error.

        I lost balance control I was blind for 3 days. My sight returned 3rd day, An Irish nightshift nurse said to me “Carry Paddy to the lavvie” An Irish patient next bed. “Do it or you’ll never walk again” So I picked 15 stone Paddy up cradled in front of me. “With the weight you’ll balance” she said. And amid cheers I carried him to the loo. “Wipe his arse too” she shouted to much approval.

        I am glad I washed my hands as she then boiled eggs (Suffolk people always gave free range eggs to patients_) We used to have early hours egg and toastie soldiers and a cuppa tea.

        In 1992 I was a masters powerlifting champion.

        No one likes me and I don’t care. Since 1972 if I see a way to help folk I just do it. I have faced Official Secrets Act charges and much criticism but I have never yielded. I have reported by invitation to PM Blair re electrical supply security to NHS hospitals. I have reported to post Japanese tsunami UK review of nuclear security and resilience by invitation. And much more

        I will be 71 in a couple of days time. I do what I deem right as I have since Dec 72. Never yield. The world is full of little men. I am glad I aint one of ’em.

        Best of luck Alistair.

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